. Clock in the hangar
. Ping servers
. Expanded description of skills and experience to the crew
. Statistics xvm in achievements
. New tank straps
. New icons equipment and consumables
. Removed icon training
. Klasnosti icons on the carousel tanks
. Disabling intro
. Remembers the last visited server
. New SLR tanks icons with captions
. New sight
. Panel detailing damage Logue of the damage
. Damage indicator
. New marker on technique with Flown damage
. Improved panel shells
. Mini smart card
. The new voice of the crew
. Sound alert fire lighted, crit
. Icon focus
. New light
. Wheel load DEAD
. Removed fog
. White tanks corpses
. Whipped white caterpillars
. Commander camera
. Disabled rocking camera sniper mode
. Increased multiplicity sniper scope
. Time to fight
. Calculator armor
. Info panel
. Indicator of the degree of magnification
. Intelligent mixing
. Srelby ban on corpses and allies
. Clan information
. Message History
. Tanks in 2 rows
. Updated to version 5.1.0 xvm
. Daylight WN8
. Rose teams
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