This is IH86's off of AEM for FS11, I converted it and got it working in game for 13. I have had no problems with it yet. If anyone comes across anything let me know and I will see if I can get it fixed! Feed back is welcome!
Thanks for downloading.
Edit: Gnftr04
Model: Knagsted
Original Textures: Knagsted
Script: Gnftr04, thanks to Sotillo and PeterJ for making great scripts which I studied and adapted for this mod
Sounds: Taken from Sotillo/Nikk105 JD7710
Wheels: Taken from John Deere 7810 American Version by Julian11AGI and John Deere 7810 2WD - SndGrdn Edit (Original Templaer/Wohlstandskind, Frasercow & Paldoo)
Weights: Front weights taken from John Deere 7810 2WD - SndGrdn Edit (Original Templaer/Wohlstandskind, Frasercow & Paldoo), Wheel weights from John Deere 6140D v2 - Templaer & Wohlstandskind, Agrotron130, Jrbrown
Lua Scripts:
WheelFall/SuspensionAxes (TireFall) by Tobias F.
Operating Hours and ES Limiter by Manuel Leithner
Beleuchtung V3 (worklights) by Sven77
Driving Particle System by Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding)
Extra Weight by ???
4440 Reskin IH86
Convert to FS 13 caseih68
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
It's too big. Is this fs2011 scale? It looks good, but way too big. Did I mention it's to big. :)
please convert to fs15
Can someone convert this to please
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