New Holland T7070 BluePower Pack


The tractor has:
- Plowing Mod v2 (F7)
- The moving axis
- Fold just the front and worn tie rod (key 7)
- Open the door and back glass
- Animation pedals clutch, brake, gas, and this jumper reverse
- Front and rear twins (keys m and n)
- Adjustable rear hitch (keys 5 and 6)
- Working lights, turn signals
- Manual firing
- The dust from the wheels on the
- PowerShaftAttacher / PTO
- Es limiter
- Animated hydraulics
- 2 Fanfares for the cab (sound key 0)
- The dust from the wheels on the
- Dynamic animations of smoke
- Scale 1:1
- Purchased separately sinker NH
- New skin, added a second cock, front roller etc

Package contains:
* New Holland T7070 BluePower version of tuzem
* New Holland T7070 BluePower version of weights
* The weight NH


Authors: Monster, Halycon
Total Edit / Programming: roller90

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Commented on 2014-05-09 13:39:11

imi place foarte mult

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