Now also with animated gates that can be opened:
14 loading bays for loading trucks
Various entrances and exits
Workshop / Garage
Driveway for forklift / telescopic handlers on the back
The yellow roller doors inside the hall open and close automatically
(The Collision of the rolldoors has been removed)
Other differences to version 1.0:
The new warehouse is smaller by one-third, because the old one was to big for most maps.
The hall is now also interior expanded
Shelves and floor markings in the hall for the orderly storage of pallets were inserted
The warehouse can be used to store several hundred pallet, but it is also possible to store vehicles therein. (see photos attached)
Built only with the Giants Editor, I am of the opinion that the building is anyway too big for a placeable version.
The loading bays at the gates can be changed in Giants Editor to the desired height. (Find them in the Transform Group: Laderampe Set 1 - 3)
Then you change the x-rotation of the loading ramps (between 0 - 10 degrees)
Currently they are set to 4 degrees for the mods that I use.
Required Mod to open the doors:
Animation Map trigger Vertex
I use the following mods (also in the pictures):
Forklifts and pallets of
Semitrailer: FTmodding_Fruehauf of
Thanks for this

2 Downloads in
9 years ago

hello I have a problem to instaler the mods LOGISTICS WAREHOUSE V2.0 I wanted to know if you could please help me meci your cooperation
can you ake it placeable?
what do you mean can you ake it placeable?
goodnight I still answer to attent the message I send you ais Deniere time I will wait your reply and thank you for your cooperation
Hi, I'm havin a problem with installation. in game the build dosent have texture, all blank.
any sugestion?
you say dosent have texture, all blank.any sugestion?
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