In the archive: beer_hm - brewery hops. Fruitcannery - produces three types of orange juice, apricot, plum nectar. YogurtFactory - produces three views egurta apple, strawberry, pear. LiquorDistillery - distillery produces brandy cherry, cognac, vodka. Oliveline - processing plant produces olives and olive oil, canned olives. productionofbread - mill and bakery. cannery - cannery produces canned tomatoes with cucumbers, lecho, sweet corn. sugarsalt - sugar and salt factories produce salt and sugar. Vegetable_and_grocery_stores - grocery and vegetable shops and point of sale products and alcohol, is placed near the shop. Established with any mod that comes to selling products, alcohol, fruits and vegetables.
Fruit Package Designer v3.61
- Point of Sale alcohol moved to the fashion shops Vegetable_and_grocery_stores
- Fixed minor bugs.
Fruit Package Designer v3.60
- Brewery - 2 beers and hops.
- At the point of sale money is paid immediately.
- Plants now visit wholesale buyers. the products are sold directly from the factory. except bakery. sugar and salt brewery.
Fruit Package Designer v3.52
- Increased sugar production up to 1000 per hour
- Podkorektirovat some triggers for discharge udodbnoy
- Fixed minor bugs
beer_hm - brewery hops.
Fruitcannery - produces three types of orange juice, apricot, plum nectar.
YogurtFactory - produces three views egurta apple, strawberry, pear
LiquorDistillery - distillery produces brandy cherry, cognac, vodka
Oliveline - processing plant produces olives and olive oil, canned olives
productionofbread - mill and bakery
cannery - cannery produces canned tomatoes with cucumbers, lecho, sweet corn
sugarsalt - sugar and salt factories produce salt and sugar.
Vegetable_and_grocery_stores - grocery and vegetable shops and point of sale products and alcohol, is placed near the shop.
established with any mod that comes to selling products, alcohol, fruits and vegetables.
Required fashion included:
AAA_UniversalProcessKit scripts. Special thanks to the author.
WaterMilkZunhammer - trailer to transport water, milk
Transportation of food vegetable fruit sugar salt spirtonogo. Modern technology and old.
PV15_Boxtruck transportation of finished products + trailer
MAN_TGS_18440_STipper transportation vegetable fruit hops bags + trailer also carries standard culture - vans for lawns, for transportation of grain and finished products - Gas-Saz
The archive also has a file readmt.txt therein described fashion, makeup fashion that produces and that it will take. CAUTION BEFORE INSTALLING mods read the file readme.txt! Language mods EN, DE, RU. Mounted on top of Fruit package designer 3.2 and earlier versions. fruit pack 2,5 incompatible with this version.
Unzip the archive.

1 Downloads in
9 years ago

только одна проблема не все карты это воспринимаю . вот если бы это было сразу встроено в карту... и оставалось только высаживать деревья....
The only problem is not all cards perceive it. But if it was just built in map ... and could only plant trees ....
этот пак конструктор, на картах где есть помимо стандартных культур еще что то, например подсолнух, клевер и другие культуры то игра начинает блокировать какие то культуры с этого пака так как сама игра не поддерживает более 64 культур
АЛЕКС... суть не в том даже что культуры блок... суть в том что не все карты гладкие и ровные .. не везде можно найти ровную поверхность под установку зданий и сооружений... вот в чем проблема ... не всем охота видеть висяк в воздухе...
не спорю... это недостаток пака, приходится разбрасывать по всей карте в поисках ровного места плюс еще один недостаток это клип дистанция стоит на 1000000 что на слабых машинах будут сильные тормоза
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