Courses retracted Nordfriesische march without digging v2.1


Version 2.1
- New courses for new productions retracted
- superfluous courses deleted
- Existing courses further revised or retracted
- All productions have received courses on the new pallet warehouse
- New or renewed sales courses from the pallet warehouse
- As always existing courses further revised or retracted

I have time courses for the nordfriesische march without burials 2.2. Unzip the zip file and save it in the corresponding courseplay folder. The folder system should be self-explanatory.

Drilling, harrowing and grubbering has a working width of 6m unless otherwise stated. Plow plow = work with Lemken under hook at 8m working width.
Mist drive 20m working width
Folder of straw = straw swathing presses and swathing with lely schwader
Folder grass = grass mowing, swath ect
The liquid manure courses / liquid manure courses may still need the field edge container. However, this results from the course. You can see where the trecker remains. It is self-explanatory.


Thomas Gärtner (@ GitHub)
Claus G. Pedersen (@ GitHub)

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