Dark Night v1.0


Here I have for you a Dark Night Mod for LS17.
This mod I have made myself, since the night in LS is standard in my opinion simply too bright.

Script: Alex2009
XML: Alex2009
Texture: GIANTS Software - Edit Alex2009

I wish you much fun with the mod.

Best regards

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Creative Commons License Agreement
This work and content of Alex2009 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
You can obtain further permissions from this license at http://www.Alex2009.de.


Script: Alex2009
XML: Alex2009
Textur: GIANTS Software - Edit Alex2009

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Merci a l'auteur pour ce mod nuit,là il fait vraiment nuit et ne fait pas ramer mon pc.

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