Makes it easy to buy and sell.
Model: RedeX
Texture: RedeX
Script: RedeX
Idea / Concept: RedeX
Testing: RedeX
Other: RedeX

1 Downloads in
8 years ago

Hi Thomas nice mod 1 problem if encounter.
If you sell the field the money going to bank but when you buy n field the money is not being subtracted from your bank.
Great idea!! This should come with the game out of the box. Being able to sell out and start over without starting a new game is a no brainer. Thanks for your hard work.
I cannot find the key legend to bring out the menu for which field I want to sell. I found the keys "page up", "page down", "enter", and "Right Control" from the options menu on the game. But I have tried every key combination I could to bring me to the sell menu!!! Help. Thanks.
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