Frisian march v5.0


There are many improvements to the map, some of which are errors in the map. most of the faults have gone wrong and you will not be able to make any mistakes. firstly there are sometimes minor faults around the field and the field and we have corrected them. other than that, there are other error corrections, some of which are cow farming etc. the city and the roads have been corrected, and many of them have been corrected. lastly file error correction moddesc. Fixed the error sometimes fps problem was causing this error that we have removed from the good games.


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Commented on 2018-05-11 17:44:00

how did we go from 1.8 to 5?

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Commented on 2018-05-11 21:13:14

Theft and lies without end, not one is his map

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Commented on 2018-05-11 22:21:09

I am a little surprised. The describtion in this map is exactly the same than in an other map also stolen by LOWSE, word by word exactly the same. How can that be? I am playing both maps and they are absolutly diffent from each other.

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