fill Types type= string value="pig Food barley wheat rape maize soybean sunflower potato sugarBeet rye spelt oilseedRadish onion carrot lettuce hops cabbage redCabbage sugarCane chaff silage forage woodChips grass_windrow straw dryGrass windrow seed fertilizer salt flour pigFood barley wheat rape maize soybean sunflower potato sugarBeet rye spelt oilseedRadish onion lettuce hops cabbage redCabbage tobacco sugarCane chaff sil grass_windrow straw dryGrass_windrow salt flour cream sand hmilk gravel coffee cotton lavender mustard peanut rice sorghum oat_windrow rye_windrow forage onion carrot triticale beetroot greenWaste liquidGas meat sausage millet washedPotato steamedPotato spelt rye oat cherry yogurt flour sugar plum sunflower cigar compost soybean forage_mixing cake saladMix cookingOil grass_seed beetPulp riversandp stonepowder stonegarden redwine portwine grapesjuice tires grapes bulk fork textile birdseed bulk liquid fuel oil cream sunfloweroil vegetableoil apple bacon beer birdseed beneful boards cauliflower cheese cherry cauliflower lettuce onion mushroom raspberry redCabbage strawberry tomato coffeeBean saladmix cheese hmilk butter coffee
Silage Soybean Potato woodChips Milk stoffrolle bread budweiser grapejuice Winesmall Wine Fisch icecream potatoChips frenchFries textile hempPaper Salad coleslaw flour sugar
eggs doughnut biscuit groundbeef sausage boards coals cartons minwheat frostedflakes pepsi oilwheat barley rape poplar flour sugar sunflower soybean maize potato sugarBeet fertilizer manure seeds compost forage forage_mixing chaff woodChips silage straw pigFood grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow cauliflower lettuce millet oat rasperry cabbage rye spelt strawberry tomato triticale liquidManure digestate sand cabbage redcabbage karrot Coffeebean apple Vegetable oil Pallets Hemp sugar liquidFertilizer flour liquid plum orange cherry cream lettuce woodChips cream sand hmilk gravel coffee cotton lavender mustard peanut rice sorghum oat_windrow rye_windrow forage onion carrot triticale pigFood beetroot greenWaste liquidGas meat sausage millet washedPotato steamedPotato spelt rye oat cherry yogurt flour sugar plum sunflower cigar compost soybean forage_mixing cake saladMix cookingOil grass_seed beetPulp riversandp stonepowder stonegarden lettuce redwine portwine grapesjuice tires grapes bulk fork textile birdseed bulk liquid fuel oil cream sunfloweroil vegetableoil emptypallet"/>
capacity = 600000000
bonjour très bon mod mais est t'il possible de le faire remplir les remorque moins vite comme sa ont a le temps de l’arrêter quand on veux car pour le moment il remplis les remorque d'un seule coup toutes entière ci vous avez la possibilité bien sur cordialement
bonjour, je publierai une nouvelle version du travail pour un prix plus bas j’ai ajouté eau mik, etc.----
hello, I will release a new version of work for d lower price I added water mik, etc.
hello, I will publish a new version of the work for a lower price I added water mik, etc .-- hello, I will release a new version of work for I added water mik, etc.
ok merci pour tout j'attend avec impatience la nouvel version super pour l'eau et le lait il faux juste que sa remplisse doucement et ce sera parfait bien cordialement et bonne continuation
+ Milk+Water
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