Growth Manager v2.0


The whole thing is clearly something from the box "Mods, which one should not really need".

I had really hoped that the growth of the game in the 17er version will finally be handled half-robustly. This, however, is clearly not the case, as my own experience as well as many letters with the desire for the GrowthManager show. So here it is again: The mod, which one should not really need.

At midnight, all the fruit varieties that have become "due" during the day are incremented by the growthManager by one step. If the fruit variety had grown more than once in the course of the day, it would grow by as many steps. The shift of the growth to midnight can also be switched off (see above).

The growing fruits and progress are displayed graphically. However, the whole thing also takes on a 4x map only a few seconds.

Loading / saving during such growth is harmless and also an MP join during the growth is covered by the script. Otherwise, the growth is hard clock-driven and thus deterministically robust and without further need for MP support.

The dripping can still be switched on and off in the game menu. The growth speed selector is disabled when the growthManager is enabled.

Well-known phenomenon: when dripping is switched on, then the fields of the AI ​​farmers also wither. I have not found a way to avoid this. I recommend the nonsense simply switch off if one wants to use the growthManager.

This is quite simple: The in the mods folder. Done.

Remove the from the mods folder. Files do not have to be deleted other than in LS15.

Necessary: ​​None.

Optional: Once you have saved with active Mod once you will find a file growthManager.xml in the corresponding savegame. If you adjust the parameter "growthFactor" here, the growth times will change by this factor - and only for this - savegame. So if you want to play on the standard maps with a growth level per day, simply enter growthFactor = "4.000000". Conversely, I personally as an SP player the growth levels on the MIG Celle from 5 to 3 days down (growthFactor = "0.600000").

If you do not want the shift of growth to midnight, you can set doMidnight = "false" for the respective savegame in the growthManager.xml. Then the growth takes place on the hour when the fruit is due.
Log.txt Entries:

The mod einiges in Infos in the log.txt ab. They are for me to be able to understand what is going on at all if you should have problems with the mod. Not every log entry is a mistake! And so cryptic they are usually not. Otherwise, of course, as always: In case of problems copy the log.txt into a PM, to do so briefly and as far as possible accurately describe the problem and send to me. Then the chances are that you will be helped very well.
End Mod Description ...
... and something else:

The reason why I started with Modden and especially the scripts was the desire to make a halfway interesting simulation from the only available platform - at the time the LS13 and later the LS15. It has always pleased me how much these small or bigger interventions have been found in all those who have not wanted an arcade game, but a simulation, which has at least a little with real agriculture. The result is still far from the target, but the direction seemed to be right.
With Cattle and Crops, we finally have a real alternative for exactly the target group for which I have made mods so far. It is no secret that I have been accompanying this project for a relatively long time with advice and action.
In order not to let you hang up to the beginning of the Early Access I will still convert for the LS17, as far as is reasonably possible, my mods. There will be no release for the release of "Wildkonvertierungen", just as little as newly developed mods.=
In this sense: "Happy Farming" and "See you on the other side!" :)


Script: upsidedown
Idee / Konzept: upsidedown
Sonstige: Grafiken und GUI-Programmierung: JakobT

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

And how low have I got to change the Growth Factor to get the fields ready in a few minutes?

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