MultiOverOverlayV2 Hud LS17 Convert v2.76 Beta


The MultiOverlay V2 Hud LS17 Convert Mod is designed to provide you with a quick overview of some key features of the game.

Quick Overview:
Animals, UPK objects, greenhouses, bearings, bestprices, fieldprice, bga, silos, placeable objects, map obsolete objects, marhu FabrikScript objects and much more about a comfortable miniPda settings menu * 3
In addition, there is a VehicleInspector (VI) (picture) that you can use.
Please look first in the bug list before you report an error or have problems with something.
Support / Beta / Quick Bugfix / Developer versions are available here

Optional artDesigns (needs the current ArtDesign Addon 1.5 or higher) <--- klick

A GREAT THANKS also to all testers who have tested the new version extensively for errors, or have approved the mod support or approval for an ad implementation in this mod. In addition, it can still fail, because the range of functions and the very different Maps / mods just can not be tested.
This is a convert version, there is an exact guide first here.
Please read also. Thx
Preview next version: here
V2.x "Small Mod Tutorial": see videos (LS15 MultiOverlayV2 Hud)
V2.76 Changelog: here
V2.76 BugList: here

BugList: Fix Check Not reproducible

Preview next version:
This Mod version was added as good as it goes by me to LS17 Conventiert and innovations. Due to the numerous innovations, not yet everything can be Conventiert and needs therefore still some time. The most important is however available and if the Mod Scripter not too much change should it also with the Mods run (FS, MixFeeder etc.) run. These things have not been deactivated. Everything which is unimportant or does not work has been deactivated by me. It comes a corresponding hinweis or but it just happens nothing. Everything else will follow.
And God may forgive me when I have overlooked something to disable and it comes to error.
Hud Files (Link) from the user Landwirtschaft_der_ddr you this available.
Hud Files (Link) from the user Oelly who provides you his.
Hud Files (Link) from the user Güllemax (FBM-Team) which provide you yourselves.
Hud Files (Modhoster) by the user Güllemax (FBM-Team) which will provide you yourselves.
Many thanks to me.
And who does not like it should simply not load it :-)

1.Publication with original Downloadlink only. NO replacement link
2.The uploading and re-uploading is not permitted


Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: viele
Sonstige: HappyLooser

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