This is my edit of SURFDUCK MODDINGS Poclain 35, the ORIGINAL creators of this mod. I saw that "TFSLegend" had posted it as "theirs", which we all know means they stole it, and I can no longer take their bullshit. So, here is what I plan to do, I plan to release the REAL versions of whatever mod they claim as theirs, so long as I have it, and it is public, and let everyone know where the mod REALLY came from.

1 Downloads in
4 years ago

This is going to be interesting.... I dis like TSF they are very fishy
Time to bring the war to their door
finally somebody showed tsfg some hate everybody says tfsg is the best yeah
LOL RITrucker
Do you have a FB page? I have some other Poclain models to share and excavators.
JNJ Logging and Excavation is my FB page
les vrai createur sont la tmp avec le vrai model
surfduck modding en a fais une aussi mais differente
could you make a model of wistlen diesel's MONSTER MAX please and make it like 20 MB.
next time you post a video for a mod, make it about the fucking mod NOT a fucking 18 min video about cement trucks, tweenagers who think they actually know what they're doing, fucking joke.
Youd Think It Was Obvious I actually didnt post that video I have no idea why that link is there If I knew how to remove it I would Thank you for bringing it to my attention
dude tfsg or what ever the fuck it is is the black guys of the community theyre always stealing mods but are shitty
Instead of removing this hateful comment Im actually going to leave it here so that people can see what kind of racist detestable pile of human excrement that you really are
highly racist comment there sir, i'm reporting your ass for a hate crime. good luck in jail, asshole
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