Police Heli v1.0


Updated on 5/1/2017
You can have a friend ride with you. this will be update later!
​This mod came from Rambow145.com You can see the blades move in Mp!
I seen my mods was being uploaded all over the place so I felt I needed to get in on this acction too!!!  so I am going to be uploading the mods I do all over the place! They can be found on my site first tho!
​Oh and if you don't see one of my mods on a site please upload it! By don't forget to add mod came from www.Rambow145.com



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Commented on 2017-05-06 13:35:12

Does this helicopter fly using the Xbox 360 controller, because I have only found 2 flying mods that work with the Xbox 360 controller, as players have a lot better control when using it instead of the keyboard. Thanks

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