With Seasons version 1.2 comes a new model for ground wetness to better capture the variability of the water content in the soil. The model is driven by environmental factors like rain, melting snow, relative humidity, air and soil temperature and more.
Winter is coming... and spring, summer and autumn too.
The Seasons mod changes the fundamental way to play Farming Simulator by introducing seasons and changing all aspects of the gameplay, such as weather, growth, economy, vehicle maintenance and husbandry to suit.
Experience the trials and tribulations of a real life farmer worrying if you will get all your crops planted on time before it gets too cold, or too dry, for them to germinate and whether you will complete the harvest before the rainy days of autumn when crops will be wet.
Beautiful visuals to suit the seasons, such as the birth of life in spring, the richness of colour of autumn and bare trees on a bleak winter's day when you are clearing the snow, or doing forestry, will help to fully immerse you in this new environment.
For further info on game play checkout the Seasons section of the in-game help. A full list of features can be found in the mod's readme file and on our website.
The release notes can be found on our website as well.
This new update block my savegame.. When i select Start the game keep thinking and don't change that.. I already try it alone and the same..
How can I help you with this mode?
hello, i like Seasons mod but there is something unrealistic.
When we start the game on spring, there is no automn crop so we have to seed all the map. It can be boring sometime. Is it possible to modifie to have some crop in developpement at the beginning ?
...is it possible to make a difference betwin winter culture en spring culture ?
winter canola, wheat, barley seeded only before winter, and spring culture like beet, potato, sunflower... only on spring even if temprature is ok.
I can not use
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