Vaszics fantasy map.
The map is based on City2, which has been completely revised.
Fields 11-12-13-14-15 are in their own ownership, the rest should be purchased. You can get water for free at the source. The 11 fields are grassed.
When I start a new game, the map shows the machines I have proposed, which can of course be replaced at any time. To do this, copy the files in the defaultVehicles and fashion required directory to the MODS directory.
The Proposed machines and fashion library contains files that can help the game.
In the price table, most of the icons indicating the fruits have been replaced on a text surface for easier handling. The plant icon does not appear in Table 2-3 of crop types. This does not affect the play process. The Factory information field.xlsx excel board included in the package can be a great help for the material needs of the factories.
It is possible to accelerate the ripening of the crop. To do this, you must copy the file in the package to the MODS directory.
Higher capacity trains can be obtained if you use the assembly I have assembled.
The capacity of the grain and sugarBeets wagons was increased to 30,000,000 liters. This allows us to sell a larger quantity of goods at the same time (up to 270,000,000 liters).
To do this, you must copy the contents of the attached train / new directory to the appropriate location on the original FS17 program (make a copy of the original directory before copying).
C: Program Files Farming Simulator 17 Farming Simulator 17 date vehicles
Some parameters:
The map is 4x
Factory (37)
Bakery, Biofood, Brewery, Canned_fruit, Coffee, Dairy, Eggfarm,
Fermentation, Fertilizer, Forage, Goldmine, Goose, Green1, Green2,
Greenmanure, Hmilk, Jam_juice_yogurt, Mills, Noodles, Oil field,
Oil_Mills, Orchid_gardens, Pigfood, PotatoCenter, Rabbits,
Reibekuchen, Sawmill, Seed, Slaughterhouse, Slurry, Southern Fruit, Sugar, Tobacco, Weberei, Whiskey, Winery
Store (20)
Airport, Bale, Castle, Central, Farmhouse, Fuel, Gasstation,
Grainport, Graintrans, Horse, Hospital, Market, Milksell, Power,
Shop (4), Wine, WoodSell
Products (129) \ t
apple, applecanned, aviationfuel, bakery, banana,
bananaliqueur, barley, barleyflour, beer, blackbean, boards,
bread bullsblood, butter, carrot, cartonsvapa, cauliflower, cauliflower2, chaff, cherry, cherrycanned, cigar, cigarette, coco, coconuwhiterum, coffee, coffeeBD, condensedmilk, cookingOil, cornflour, cotton, cow, dryGrass_windrow, emptypalletsvapa, fatteningFood, fertilizer, forage, fruitsugar, fuel, gold, gooseFood, gooseliver, goosemeat, grape, grapejuice, grass_windrow, gratedcoco, greenmanure, HMIL, hops, jam, juice, kefir, liquidFertilizer, liquidManure, maize, manure, meat, melon, melon2, millet, milk, mmcandy, Motoroil, mustard, noodles, oat, Oil, onion, orange, orangesyrup, osternei, residual fuel oil, paper, peanut, pig, pigFood, plum, plumcanned, potato, potatoChip, pumpkin, pumpkin2, rabbit food, rabbitmeat, rape, raspberrybeer, raspberrysvapa, redcurrantsbeer,
redcurrantssvapa, reibekuchen, rice, ripebanana, rye, sausage, seeds, sheep, silage, sorghum, soybean, steamedPotato,
stoffrolleMK, straw, strawberrybeer, strawberrysvapa, sudangrass, sugar, SUGARBEET, sugarcane, sunflower, tobacco, tokaynoble, tomato, tomato2, Trester, triticale, washedPotato, water, wheat, wheatflour, whiskey, wood, woodChips, wool, yogurt, yogurt1
Good game
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
bonjour monsieur vaszics belle carte comme toujours le petit probléme il y a plusieurs batiments qui flotte qui ne sont pas a ras du sol
wish you would get rid of the green manure
can not pick up wood logs after cutting down trees
Seeds in storage disappear.
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