2004 Ford F-150 Uhaul Custom v1.1


Heres my 2004 Ford F-150 Uhaul Custom Enjoy!


U-Haul Edition

Used game shared gloss/normal maps and other general file reductions

Corrected guages

added straps

separated tailgate from model and made functional

Corrected cameral collision if object is in the bed

Removed lights lua and other various scripts

removed unused i3dparts

Corrected gloss maps so interior would not turn dirty



Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-04-28 17:57:54

I bet you're one of those people that would have kids, buy a people carrier and then STILL put ridiculous alloys on it... Trying to cossy up with Expandables crew? They're know for putting these kind of wheels on all their vehicles...

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