Animal Worker
Hire a Ranch Hand to tend to your animals.
- Daily at 7am: They will fill the feed, straw and water all your animals for a fee, if active.
- Daily at 8, 9, 10 & 11am: They will train (ride) your horses 25% per hour for a fee, if set.
- All settings can be managed from the setting window (LAlt + NumPad 0)
Change Log:
Version 2.3
- GUI (LAlt + NumPad0) now loads with current settings from XML on initial load.
- F1 Help menu text displays worker status as active or not active for (LAlt + 0) toggle feedback.
- On-screen feedback (top notification) when worker toggled or charges for work, shows for 5 seconds
- Now trains horses 4 times a day with configurable hourly rate per horse at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am (if you have HorseHelper, set train Horses to false)
- More settings configurations (Activate horse training and hourly rate to charge)
- Fixed Dutch translation for Animal Worker (All translations based on Google Translate)
- Added changelog.txt to .zip
- More language settings (g_i18n variables)
- Add controller inputs
- Add option to sell eggs, milk, manure, slurry, wool (Focus for next release)
- Add configurable training times to settings.
- No known conflicts, however, if you have HorseHelper, you may want to set the horse training to false as both mods will train the horses, just at different times.
- Performance / lag: minimal to none. Lightweight iterations take less than a second.
- Multiplayer compatible: Most features should work, though it has not been tested nor has is_client or is_server implemented.
- Logging: Minimal. Removed log entries minus worker toggle and payments.
Enjoy! Please report any issues either in the comments or at my email. Your feedback helps to shape the development. Also, working on putting a site together for development releases and updates.
@Tunnelrat: Awesome, been waiting for this since our comments on the last version! Thank you! v2.2 already had each of my horses worth £50,000 - can't wait to see what happens to their prices when they are all ridden at those hours per day! Will test later today and let you know! Would already give this script 10 stars if I could!
Dutch translations still not working !!
modDesc_l10n_de.xml "DE" is for German,
you need to use "NL" i think!!
@YIB Sorry, I didn't think twice about the abbreviation, that is my fault. I owe you a Dutch translation.
Thank you very much. Great work. A Russian translation is planned?
@Valera, I will make a Russian translation as well. May as well just make it available in all the FS languages.
How can I install the show me in mod folder not
@Meiki, just like any other mod, it goes in your My Documents/My Games/Farming Simulator 19/mods/ folder. The settings will auto install in the modsSettings folder the first time you load the career.
@Tunnelrat: Animal Worker Status now working on this version (didn't for me on v2.2) and ride / training horses x 4 daily works perfectly! (I never had to change line in Horsehelper? But it never worked for me anyway!) Thank you! Looking forward to any future versions and details of the site for development releases and updates! Please keep up the great work!
@FarmerB, Thanks for the feedback, took a little longer this release since I went out of town and wanted to test more than the previous releases. I trust you'll let me know of any errors, suggestions for future versions.
Fantastic mod. Thank you so much.
@Breaded, glad you enjoy it. Thanks for the feedback.
does it stay on now?...old version you have to turn it on every time..other than that...great mod
@DMac, Yes. Worker starts active and will be active next time you load unless you toggle the status.
@RUS, thank you for sharing. Any translation contributions / corrections are appreciated.
TUNNELRAT, Ок! You can use file “modDesc _ l10n _ ru.xml” in your updates (or now).
@RUS, if you want, send it to my email:
@tunnelrat Animal Fee is 0.05 (5%). Can you tell me 5% of what amount?
@Wrangler 5% of total price (base cost * number of animals).
The logic:
price = (base cost * number of animals)
fee = (price * 0.05)
actualCost = price + fee
Lets say base cost is 10 and you have 20 animals:
price = 10 * 20 = 200
fee = (200 * 0.05) = 10
actualCost = 200 + 10 = 210
Do you have a website or contact method, where I can contact you to discuss possible changes, additions or features to future versions of this mod. The comment boxes on this site are not great for leaving detailed feedback and suggestions.
@FarmSimGod, website just getting online at with email on it.
FARMSIMGOD, if you want, send it to my email:
there was an error in the xml fr file both active and inactive = inactive
i was confused why it always show inactive the mod was working just not showing
i fixed mine so maybe in an update you can fixed that
greaat mod by the way
@Johnny, thank you for telling me, making a not to fix it.
Corrected 2 language files and added RU/NL. Download on or wait for version 2.4
sometimes I cannot access the the settings,
@Bbendelow Make sure you are outside of a vehicle.
@Tunnelrat and anyone else interested: Just for your notes: No problems found when also using HoT Animals V1.1 by SanAndreas. The pens all seem to work well with both the Pen Extension and this version of Animal Worker active. Considering you probably haven't all worked together on these projects, that's really good going! Excellent work!
Hi..thanx for your great work on this. But i have one problem, dont know if it is a bug or something in my animalpens not working with this version.
5% fee and 5/animal it goes bananas and cost me over 10.500.000 euro.
300 cows, 350 cheep, 500 chickens.
The announce on the screen shows 3018 dollars. (1150 animals)
When I change it to 10/animal it shows 6036 Dollars and I get -21.000.000 animalUpkeep.
This is when I have the GameSpeed to 1 (Real-Time)..
if I change that to 120 the announce are still the same but I only get 185.000 in cost.
ps. I tested with version 2.2 and that worked perfect.
animal cost for the same is 6036 euro in animalUpkeep.
Same issue as Nemo, tested with one chicken got charged $300, one horse $36, one cow about the same as a chicken. Fast forward to next day with mostly full troughs and that same chicken cost $3600 the horse cheaper at $30, but he cow was in the thousands. Not sure what happened and I used 3 different maps including the base map.
Does Seasons Break this.. or this break Season's changes to the animals?
I had 150 total animals and it cost me 3 million, didn't even have it set to 'fill troughs'.
Question, I'm using this with Seasons and Canadian Farm map on Multiplayer, and it's not doing anything for my horses, (I don't have any other animals yet). It is still billing me though, but it's not doing the riding, or filling oats/hay, Water, and straw. Any ideas as to why?
@Tunnelrat , when I visited the site, I read: Update on 2.4: 2019 July 07
Development slightly delayed due to travel. Expected release =12 July= for V2.4.
Did something happen? No update for more than a month! ?
Would be nice if you could add a fill straw / not fill button as to I would like to make slurry and can not at the moment. At 7 am the helper fills everything including the straw which is only making manure.
I can't got it to work?
Fantastic mod. Thank you so much :-)
Great! Is it compatible with Seasons and Maize Plus mods?
Really wish this mod would some how take from your feed / grain stock.
Could you make this for FS22
What are the chances we can get this converted for FS22?
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