trailer pack for fs-19 features a bumper pull skidsteer trailer and 2 PJ Wheel trailers that come in 24ft and 40ft all trailers function normally i just added new lights
skidsteer trailer JRD84 RAGIN gamer and rambow for being it over to fs-19 l
lighting done by the barn modding
PJ 24ft trailer rambow kramarj
lighting done by the barn modding
PF 40FT trailer custoe modding wyatt speer [CDF MODDING]
lighting done by the barn modding
any problem or misisng credits let me know
happy haulling

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

once again boosted didnt upload this
so JRD's in bed with rambow now? this explains a lot.
Where are they located in the shop?
Installed this and can not see them anywhere!
is it coming to consle
@Ernie and ReeRee
Pack sometimes means more than one, open the zip, there is 3 zips inside, put
those in mod folder.
cant get all 3 only 40'
This is not working, I download it and it's an empty file
Original versions:
I downloaded it it shows its a rar file this sucks!!!!!!!!
didn't work for me either
Downloaded and installed just fine .. unzip the rar file and copy the 3 individual rar files to your mod folder. The trailers show up in the shop under 'low-loaders'. I did not keep the mods though, despite them being good designs, they are not much use as the straps do not hold vehicles on and they just slide off the back under acceleration, braking or cornering.
can someone please make these trailers able to have lock load because i have been using the skid steer trailer and every time i mike even the slightest turn the whole machine falls off
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