Here is the Beta version of PV19 Industries 16x.Huge map and lots of things to do.
I subbed and shared so you do not pay to play.
I will use the dropbox link as I cannot upload the file directly to here.
Download before the file is moved.

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

Huge map and lots of things to do?and i not to start to put some pictures PDA etc etc
Agree cleaner
dave is releasing this map to the public at the end of the month its being tested now by subscribers to fix bugs better to get from official site it was not suppose to be uploaded not ready yet
this map was stolen.. you are being reported
idiot map not ready yet
This is sooooo...
You are one of those persons who has NO REGARD for the hard work a modder puts into his work and the reason why less and less modders share them... I'm also reporting you!
Whatever happened to respect for moders and the people who it bothers and creates a new and especially good maps?People who have no respect should immediately get BAN forever!!!!!!!!!!
In his latest Twitch stream, Dave announced he would release PV17 Industries and PV19 Industries on the same day in late February. Both are 16X maps.
Dave gave a big thank you to jreedy for putting in many hours to finish PV17 Industries and for adding in some of his own ideas.
I can tell that we're going to be playing both maps for a long time!
Posted Feb 9, 19 · OP
It`s a good map with the Railroadcurse from CornBelt. I like transport with ships.
dont download this map from the piece of sh&t loser, the map maker will release official version at the end of the month
MODHUB cant you guys do anything to keep these losers that flock to your site uploading stolen mods and maps because there lazy pieces of trash
You are the biggest looser in the world.. ripping of dave's hard work and posting it here.. I have special powers... Karma is a bitch... you will fall and break your leg or hip this week... guaranteed.. you have been cursed.
anyone who downloads from this piece of trash,is as bad as he is, your a pathetic lazy loser
guys dont worry this guy is in the process of being identified
bof une map couleur terrain de tennis pas pour moi
Great map, the best I'm addicted to this map, congratulations for the work.
otimo mapa, parabens
mdr INDUSTRIES tu sais ca veux dire quoi INDUSTRIES FDP Here is the linkk for the website that people can go to get info and follow ,help, give info to Dave and his team. There is alot of info for everything Dave does and the people that help him will help you too. Don't be a dousche and go to the source.
With the field color you get eye cancer OMG Total Damage
wieso passt doch gut zu den Bergen in der Map
Already Removed?
who ever this person is alt to be shot i hope and pray that very bad things will happen to him and i am not going to download off of here cause one i am not a back stabbing asshole has this person is to the original author dave and everyone that is part of the team thumbs up to all you guys i give this person a thumbs down this person is disrespectful to me dave and dajnet team
I can not download the PV19. Could you visit the downloadlink again?
you complete piece of shit.. you are the reason that the FS community is garbage now..
normal que les outil peux pas s'Acheter ????
Files not there got 404 error
Where can I download the PV19 Industry 16x?
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