Empty map FS19 (WORKING) v1.0


Empty map for FS19
0 Errors in log.txt
All works

EN: This is the sample mod map 1.
DE: Dies ist die Beispiel Mod Map 1.
PL: Jest to pusta mapa do stworzenia własnego projektu - Evo.




Commented on 2018-11-18 16:38:08

perfect works fine thanks

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Commented on 2018-11-21 00:34:33

Does not work. Terrain is invisible in game.

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Commented on 2018-11-21 09:56:21

Terrain is invisible in game.

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Commented on 2018-11-21 13:12:22


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Commented on 2018-11-23 04:43:05

Why can't we have animals on all these blank maps? I love to farm the fields all day but I love tending to my animals too. Looks like the 5 blank maps, "with no animals", that have come out will be the only one's for 2 years and even if they do, I'm sure, for some reason we won't have any animals anyway. I'll be playing FS 2017 tonite. I have a 2017 blank multifruit map with all the animals, and a few more I made and all have animals. I made about 5 FS 2015 Terrain is invisible

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Commented on 2018-11-23 05:10:06

In my previous comment, it would let me only say so many things. I will not be playing FS 2019 whatsoever unless someone comes out with a blank map with all the animals too. It'd be nice if it was a 4X map. But I doubt any thing I said will ever happen.

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Commented on 2018-11-23 17:50:02

Why don't you just add them yourself! it's called modding! Learn how as seeing as though your using them. A little patience and time, And you'll be able too.

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Commented on 2018-11-25 14:23:50

Animals are now placeable within the game itself. Just buy the land and place them where ever you want

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