FS19 Goliszew v2.0


Log clear without errors, there are a few warnings about mods on the map.
What's changed?
-Four seasons of the year
-cool terrain
-additional crops, rye, sorghum, clover, alfalfa, triticale, spelt, onion, carrot, fodder grass (sudan Grass)
-Cotton and sugar cane are not grown here
-alfalfa, clover, sudangrass it is worth to sow these plants because although they are for only one harvest they give   a high yield of green mass and hay.
-102 lands to be bought, each separately
-84 configurable fields
-part of the buried ditches (for that we have a tool in the game to modify the terrain) some people forget.
-Five playable farms (full animation after land purchase)
-Initial farmstead, you'll sell almost anything. There'll be cash for whatever you want.
-pig, sheep and cow rearing in addition to separate purchases.
-You can make fun of the farm 3 henhouses (each with 400 hens).
-A lot of meadows to start with, you can accumulate a lot of fodder for winter.
-road and pedestrian traffic
-six wooded sites for lumberjacks
-Many mods in the map (buildings) 3 large mod-packs is a large choice for building your own farm
That's why the map weighs 1. 6 GB.
-A varied dietary menu for pets (real feeds we use)
-farms unblocked only after purchase.
-sixteen points of sale, different products.
-Unfortunately, the fashion "Season"; thwarted the cultivation plans on the map a bit, it's about the harvest of clover and alfalfa.
For this time, while mowing with mowers we will get green grass and hay, but in large quantities, so it is worth sowing.
These are all-seasonal crops, but thanks to the "season"; we collect them only once and that is why we have more of this feed.
-When harvesting clover and alfalfa with chaff cutters, we get chaff (chaff) green fodder for fresh feeding and silage, also in larger quantities.
-Sorghum seed as fodder, and chaff (green fodder)
-Modes: animalsClean,FS19PlaceAnywhe,FS19_animalLimitIncreaser,Added to the Map .
I guess that's it. I wish you all a great time on the map. If you find any luminescent trees or playable errors, let us know.

Thanks to all those who selflessly upload their maps and objects to FS19. Thanks to such people we can develop the simulation of agriculture.



Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

fix carrot/onion

Yeah. He's right. He's not wrong. He's not doing anything. You quickly caught that you can not sow carrots and onions repair file for this. Unpack the file and paste it into the folder ( FS19_Goliszew/xml/; ) and replace the fruitTypes. xml file.
Carrots and onions are here.

Tak. Ten się nie myli co nic nie robi. Plik naprawczy ściągasz z linku. rozpakowujemy i wklejamy do folderu. FS19_Golisze

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

fajna mapka tylko szkoda że krzaków nie da się wyciąć

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

ok. jest następny powód do poprawki. postaram się krzaczki pozmieniać, chociaż nie wiem jak to pójdzie ,te są z drzew zrobione i to są obiekty a te z programu GE nie tracą liści na zimę, też lipa

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

How to open gate at the store?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Witam odnośnie tych drzew właśnie jest lipa bo nie idzie ich ściąć już na różne sposoby próbowałem nie które da się bez problemu a nie które nie i to jest do D... Ale odnośnie mapki mapka jest rewelacyjna tylko wymaga poprawy.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Jest jeszcze jeden problem może on też coś powoduje tutaj pole 12 i 13 kupuje się razem zamiast oddzielnie pozdrawiam.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21


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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

This is a great map! Lots for great farm locations to start at depending on what you want to do and what equipment you want to work with. At the moment this is my go to map for using smaller and older equipment. Then I gradually work up to getting newer and bigger equipment and fields as I take no more animal farms. Like the 1200 chickens at the chicken farm. Seasons makes it more interesting as I can have farms or chicken coops dedicated to either Milk / eggs or meat production. If you haven't

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

There are two trees without texture, driving along the road to field No. 1 you can see them

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Ta mapka jest rewelacyjna YAZ tylko jest jeszcze mały szczegół zrób tak by dało się sprzedać większość elementów i obiektów choć by np: na rozbudowę czy powiększenie farmy wiesz o co chodzi bo nie da się sprzedać takich rzeczy jak np: silo czy tp:
i jest mały problem z chmurami niektórymi jak na foto
po za ty

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Mapka fajna, pograłam trochę ale na dłużej te krzaki strasznie irytują, wszystko się na nich blokuje, najlepiej je całkowicie zlikwidować albo chociaż wyłączyć kolizje czy jak to tam się zwie...

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