2020 Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins for Farming simulator 19
Power: 400
Maximum Speed: 120
Price: 22000
Brand: RAM
Category: Cars
Author: Expendables Modding
- 2 Downloads in
4 years ago
this was already out, or did you change something on it?
Is it Just me or does the mod not show up when you go to put the truck in the game?
did you put the mod in the mods folder?
Does anyone know how to download it
this mod shows up in the primary mods list but does not show up in mods selector.
If this is just a copy of the Expendables version then this is one fucked up mod from the start. .I just wasted an hr trying to figure out what was wrong with all my 2020 Ram 2500 trucks and all I discovered was they are all crap from the start.
there is a whole line of them that are just copies of somebody's else copy.
I have never gotten a bad mod from Expendables so I think it was copied a long t
Be very very qwiet, I'm hunting seppos, ha ha ha ha ha
You're an IDIOT!
I thought I was going crazy, couldn't find the damn mod anywhere, should've read the comments before I downloaded. This suck I'm so tired of dually's was hoping this was a thing but apparently it's a fucked up file..SMH
Hi this mod great
Shut up cool kid you probably ain't cool so get out this comment section kidddd!
Cant dodge it? Ram the fuck out of it.
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