Air Compressor Sound v1.0.0.0


Do you still remember the air compressor sound from FS17? Now this sound is back, because this global script adds a compressor sound to all tractors and trucks, if they have a compressed air system according to the vehicle XML and sound XML.
When braking or connecting a trailer with compressed air system, the compressed air tank empties.
When tank volume is below 50%, the air compressor starts and fills the tank up to 100% again.
When the compressed air hoses of a trailer are connected to a tractor, you hear a hissing sound and the compressed air flowing into the trailer air tank. A hissing sound can be heard too, when the compressed air hoses are removed. If a trailer mod does not yet have dynamic hoses, then no hissing sound will be heard. This also applies to trailers that only have hydraulic hoses because they are braked via hydraulic pressure instead of air pressure.

The following individual adjustments can be made by making changes in the modDesk:
- Volume of the compressor sound
- Running time of the compressor
- Compressed air consumption during braking
- Volume of the connecting and disconnecting hissing sound
- Compressed air consumption when attaching a trailer
- Exclude vehicles from air compressor sound
- Switching debug mode on and of


Autor: PeterAH
Testing: AgrarPlay[Felix], Lance[DeAL], V8ScaniaV8, In Via_TH, Modding-Welt-Team

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Commented on 2021-04-11 16:38:58

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Commented on 2021-06-06 17:32:23

Works nice
Truck's pneumatic braking sounds, LIKE IT!!!

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