Attingham Park v1.1.0.1


Welcome to Attingham Park

As a newcomer to agriculture and the area, you've got a job with the local BGA, which luckily has some Devices that you can use, but that comes at a price.

Can you be successful and work your way up to one of the available farms in the area or even build your own, the choice is yours.


Added removeable hedge collisions (trigger inside dealership)

Added GPS to contract vehicles (Guidance Steering By: Wopster required)

New save game not required


Removed trolleys from bakery

Adjusted all animal triggers as required

New save game not required

Terrain height and field sizes correspond to real life

Real Map PDA

Most things only work if the land has been bought Animals, silos etc.

Malthouse Farm - horses & pigs

Brompton Farmhouse - chickens and cows

Crossfields Dairy - cows and sheep

Atcham Fishing Club - hourly income when buying land

A light switch at every farm activates all lights on this farm

Individual lighting

Individual grass texture

Seasons-ready (Individual geo included on the map for additional crops to support)

Precision farming ready with realistic soil map

Field and transport missions

47 fields

13 points of sale including BGA

gate triggers move with the gate (double gate trigger is on the gate with the bolt / lock)

Onions and carrots added, cotton and sugar cane removed. You can find vehicles for harvesting at the dealer in the potato and sugar beet harvest category. Diesel trailer

added to the animals category at the dealer

Refillable pallet added to the pallets category at the dealer

Have fun.



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Commented on 2021-09-27 15:00:01

Why does Attingham not show up in my available Maps for a new game?

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