Hi Guys.
Because of many requests that I should bring the California Map in the FS19, I have decided to fulfill these wishes. But I've made the map again from scratch, have tried a some new techniques.
Due to lack of time, the map is not perfect and has its errors. But she is playable and I think the atmosphere is good.
For those who like the map Have Fun playing and for those who do not like Have Fun ar hating.
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
hey nice map look realistic can we expect any upadte :)
why 2gb download?? is this a 16x map?
Map maker, is this map seasons ready??
fps bajos.
2GB download is crazy. Shows creator is an amateur.
I think this is a leaked version.
The map runs terrible. Fps are all over the place.You can drive through the trains.
Thomas is a bot. Asking questions will never get an answer.
Map is pretty jittery.
map looks great but needs still work
Can you please make an update to this map where you at least can take the time to make the update? This is one of my fav maps so please take the time to correct the errors of the map as i don't want the game to chrash or at least break because there was so many errors or bugs and other shit that conflicts with the standard game. Please make an update and take your time doing the update and fix the problem your own speed.
Você pode fazer uma atualização neste mapa, onde pelo menos pode reservar um tempo para fazer a atualização? Este é um dos meus mapas favoritos, então, reserve um tempo para corrigir os erros do mapa, pois eu não quero que o jogo funcione ou que pelo menos quebre, porque havia muitos erros ou bugs e outras coisas que conflitam com o jogo padrão . Faça uma atualização e não se apresse em fazer a atualização e corrija o problema com sua própria velocidade.
Das ist eine Schöne Karte und für eine V1 auch gar nicht so schlecht es sollte mehr solche US Karten geben und in der kommenden V2 werden sicherlich die noch bestehenden gravierenden Fehler behoben sein. Ach Leute an jeder Ecke kann man lesen LS die beste community wo jeder helfen tut wenn ich diese Kommentare lese frage ich mich wo das Stimmen soll an Stadt immer nur zu maulen egal ob bei Top Modern oder Anfänger solltet Ihr Hilfe anbieten oder Still sein und das selber machen aber nicht immer
nur rum jammern das in einer V1 nicht gleich alles perfekt laufen tut sogar bei Modern wie Farmer Andy was soll das Schluss endlich bekommt Ihr die Sachen alle um sonst durch dieses Gemaule haben schon viele gute Moder aufgehört soll der rest auch noch Verschwinden Denkt mal nach bevor Ihr Mault
The map has alot going on, animations everywhere, feed trucks, tractors on the silage piles, i love this map, but it does need work, looks really good,if the map creator fine tunes it,it will be a pretty awesome map
Here is one thing I wondered, Were does your silage go since all the silage piles are for show??
so after deleting things floating, and below the map, and a couple doubles, followed by shrinking alot of the texture files from 2048x2048 to 512x512, file size is now 1.3 gb. So i am sure if i spent a day on this map, can easily get file size down 500-600mb, running now at 40-50 fps, should be locked at 60fps, i really liking this map
1.2gb and i am sure if i take the time to re-link all the stuff that is using the same textures, this file size goes down too 400-500mb easy
great map u came with I downloaded it but wasn't feelin the game experience of farming needs and update badly its like u can feel the lag everytime u move its very uncomfortable to play and fraustrating I like the big spacious map but fix bugs,terrians,connect your roads don't have it run out the map like it is nowgood map but its not fun at the moment please update soon really want this map
where did you get that Hay Swather pic 2
Eine Karte mit großen Potenzial aber leider in einen Zustand der nicht einmal halb fertig ist der Mäpper sollte sich mal dringend mit Kastor der die Cornbelt 16x gemacht hat in Verbindung setzen das dieser mal einen Blick auf die Karte werfen tut und vieleicht hilft die Massen von Fehlern zu beheben oder Farmer Andy der die Hof Bergmann macht es wäre schade wenn die Karte in diesen Zustand bleiben würde der Mäpper keine weiteren Updates raus bringen würde
Die Idee der Map is der Hammer habe die Map seit Erscheinen getestet und muss leider Sagen das die noch gar nicht hätte erscheinen dürfen ein totales durcheinander beim Kauf der einzelnen Parzellen die Helfer brechen die Arbeit ab und machen völlig wo anders weiter die FPS Rauschen immer wieder in den Roten Bereich eine V2 is Dringend notwendig da aber der Mäpper sich hier nicht äußert is fraglich ob je eine V2 kommen wird
The map runs like my bathtub after shaving.
at @IDK here in Kentucky - we call that a New Holland H8060 'Swather' 190hp diesel cut width 16ft rotary disc/conditioner. not to be confused with the New Holland 8060 combine harvester. @ any modder..Sir's PLEASE give a better description of your mod work..it will do Us - potential downloaders of your products some good, if you will present your work in intelligent form for fucks sake
is all the farms there just for show? or usable? I can't get them to work
This map is one of the most detailed I've seen, But the download is a bit over the top, I mean really, 2 gigs? Other thank that I have no other complaints and this map is amazing, Keep it up!!
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