After playing the map a little longer I realised that I had only fixed part the the tree planting and that some cutter effect were also wrong. A few more thing could also be improved.
So I decided to stop working on version 4 and upload version 5 after all corrections are made.
You need a fresh start.
I' sorry about things not working as they should the first time but you all know i"m no farmer andy.
But this time those trees will grow to maturity. To make up for the your loss I included 50k of all fruits at railroad station 3 at port south and planted 400 trees ready to be installed to your map.
To include those trees to your map, start a new game and save it. close the game, copy and replace the existing trees.xml in the
game folder you created and that's it. If like me you are with steam "say yes to upload local file to steam when restarting the" game
and trees will fill your forests.
Thank you all

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

bonjour renebqcca
je vient de voir ta nouvelle map . dimanche je vais l essayer . tu fait de belle map et j adore.
a bientôt et merci pour le partage. super travail et hâte de voir la suite ,
un gros merci !
Thanks for the change of the CD and thanks for asparagus and linen you idiot, no wishes of the user, fuck the map and the mapper ...
800 MB for fields and decoration without any production, the mapper should ask a pro how to build maps. Not even user requests are fulfilled. Look at the Don Diego Map or others, these are real maps and do not jerk.
ein Update mit Grass malen und die Strassen dunkler machen lg
Does not load and does not supplant the previous 4
It wouldn't be a problem if the stalls could be replaced if they weren't fixed!
This is one of my favorite maps, however, since the last couple of updates, most of the farm buildings are gone (only floating lights appear). Not sure if it's something on my end, but sure wish I knew how to fix it.
go make your own maps and post em for people to talk shit about ya fucking losers
i like the map just the headache of the developer of the map should go over the map that meaning the whole map and all that is on it so players don't have to download 6 different versions all on the neglect of the person should go over the whole map before releasing a mapp with issue's it's not just them its the players headache too
go make your own map and see what you miss and needs fixed then. Seriously. I have yet to see a perfect release of a map. Or game for that matter lol
B.O.B. Looksee By Train - Canadian Farm - Farming Simulator 19 -
some advice for you when you update keep the file the same name that way we dont have the same one in our mod folder with dif name and wont need to go hunt the old one down
manque des fruits dans la map pas de coffee mustard hemp merci
belle map devrait etre une 8x
belle map devrait etre une 8x
je veut transporter mes animaux, alors je vais au négociant de bétails pour acheter et sa ne fonctionne pas ???? bizarre je trouve pas comment faire , quelque un peut m aider . merci a tous !
I want to transport my animals, so I go to the cattle trader to buy and it does not work ???? I do not think how to do it, someone can help me. thank you all!
suite de mon probleme , avec le chargement d animaux , j ai essayer sur 3 cartes differentes et sa fonctionne tres bien , mais pas sur cette carte , il y as un déclencheur , mais le menu pour ouvrir et choisir les animaux ne fonctionne pas ??? quelqu un pour m expliquer , et si quelqun connait le concepteur pour rémédier a cette situation .
merci et bon jeux !
Following my problem, with the loading of animals, I try on 3 different cards and it works very
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