This one is for those who requested it.
this is a 16x map which take extra time to load and save. Be aware.
added farm husbandry, rebuilt farm area, modified fields at start up.
new vehicles, horse husbandry at horse training, water and food on
location and more.
Thank you.
merci pour la carte on aurais pus avoir des carottes oignon sa serait bien
Nien dewmkoff... Nien Snowitus shitamus
Где производство???
Only sellpoints where is the Production Factory`s with Global Company no Global Company in the map. Shit map all ClipDistance in 1000000 bad performance!
ULTIMATE V4.0 been out for a very long time some or i should say renebqc has upladed it again trying to take credit for it the map never did work good and had issues with bad lag
Canada doesnt produce rice and coffee. could you just keep it real please
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