Well, I guess it's time to release this to the public, cause it seems to have been leaked by someone.
So, here's my first full 3D model ingame project, the Cat 311F! This has a functioning thumb, a moveable blade (sadly not actually a leveler, it's just for looks), and opening engine cover.
The mod uses the NMC Huddig Rototilt R4 and buckets.
Oh btw, if you can't find the vehicle it's cause it's in the MiscTools category of the store.
Really nice u stole parts off a different mode and took them as years really nice u fuck wit
I didn't, I had others helping with the mod, and they added the blade/arm stuff. I just did the main body section.
bucket not fit the right way
Use the NMC ones for the Huddig.
i love this mod thank you for making.
the exavator has a hard time going up hill i was wondering if you could make that better but this is a awesome mod keep is going
i ment keep it going
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