- Différentes configurations de moteur: 800, 840 et 870.
- Poids Dalentero ou tripuntal hydraulique.
- La caméra a changé pour le jeu d'origine.
- Différentes configurations de roues, avec les roues Claas d'origine.
- De vraies lumières, donne une vraie ombre quand il fait nuit.
- Intérieur éclairé, avec le tableau de bord réel et fonctionnel.
- Possibilité d'enlever les défenses.
Author [EN] : Lejoueur
Auteur [FR] : Lejoueur
(©) Tous droit réservés.
I am the real author, not you, scammer!
No, you're lieing. I am the real author. Get lost, buddy. xD
I made this for my facebook friends... its private!!! lol whatever.. honestly no one cares who made what as long as it works
Will the real author please stand up? ^stands up^ Actually the real author is Giants, so everyone bit@hing about the real author can go pound sand down a rat hole :)
Subnormal, I invite you to see how I am right, stupid group of rat children!
No your all wrong i'm Spartacus.
a part vos engueulades le tracteur en lui meme vu que c'est ca qui interesse au depart et il bien?
I'm real author, not CHRISTIAN PIRU , he is cheeky thief who tries to cheat people
LEJOUEURDS you are a fucking asshole that everyone hates, subnormal, that you try to gain followers on your shit youtube channel, rat boy!
Butthurt make me write the above comment. I am very sorry.
i just Downloaded BOTH, the one the "original-author" posted on FB, AND this one, and they are the EXACT SAME MOD, SAME FILE NAME, and EXACT SAME SIZE FILE AND EVERYTHING! Now technically ALL MODS once released to the public, BELONG TO GIANTS, no matter WHO "BUILDS IT"... So the right thing to do is for whomever uploaded this mod here, to "Credit" where he got it from to avoid further issues.
The mod is crap anyway, lots of the following in the log:
2019-08-12 1:20 D:/Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_ClaasAxion800/Axion800.i3d (1011.81 ms)
2019-08-12 1:20 Warning (D:/Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_ClaasAxion800/Axion800.xml): I3D file offers '4' objects, but '2' components have been loaded!
2019-08-12 1:20 data/shared/wheels/trelleborg/TM900/R30_TM900.i3d (12.56 ms)
2019-08-12 1:21 Warning: 'breakLightRightStatic' (brakelightsStatic) is not a rea
very good
Fix it, so its worth using, and it's a med tractor right? So put on a Stoll console! I'd love to use it, but i usually do a lot of animal stuff and i need frontloader to make it worth my time.
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