Oilseed rape and sunflower produce in this factory -> Diesel.
Version 1.0.2
- editing textures paths
- add the French translation (my thanks for this work goes to Xandoria)
In this factory, you can use rapeseed and sunflower to gain new fuel for your machines.
Production / hour: 1,000 liters
Required raw materials: rapeseed 60% and sunflower 40%
Product: Diesel
Information: Mod only playable in conjunction with GlobalCompany!
Global Company Mod - LsModcompany / kevink98 - GtX - Eribu
Model - Giants Software
Idea / Implementation - Der_Mali

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

what is the difference between this and the diesel production put out 3 months ago?
@BOB read the description?!
Version 1.0.2
- editing textures paths
- add the French translation (my thanks for this work goes to Xandoria)
anyone have the link for that GlobalCompany?
Would be nice if you had used a different name for the zip file and some of the files inside, this already conflicts with several other Diesel Production Mods that have come out in recent months due to using same file names/descriptions.
But where I can sell diesel? Is there some sell point?
2 Month ago the Global Company Mod wasn't out yet.. so the Difference is a better Production Script (sorry Farmer_Schubie but your mover script isn't anywhere close to as good as G.C.)
Where you sell Diesel will depend on what Map and if they included as Diesel Sell Point.. if Not just Use the Diesel and save having to Buy it!
@Skinny, don't disrespect Farmer Schubi, he brought all the Production Mods out long before Global Company. He still has more buildings then they currently do. Yeah they have a nice in game menu and interface for the buildings, but his still function perfectly fine and his mods don't try forcing you to use other mods like Extended Placeables or Horse Helper when you don't want them, and Farmer Schubi's buildings don't annoy you by constantly giving you messages to remove other mods like Place An
I'll Disrespect him all i want.. Farmer Schubi's script was and is garbage.. and He only did the lua script and 1 building all the rest were others using his garbage lua script... And From My Experience with it, the Script didn't work perfectly fine all it did was dump product into Regular Silo Storage and "Moved it" to a different product type (while clogging the game log with crap that's not needed) and when exiting the game and re opening the game the script stopped and no longer converts..
No Farmer Schubi made and released 9 Production Buildings, all of which worked perfectly fine. Perhaps you only downloaded his first released one and then didn't download his updated versions where he improved the script and removed the log writting stuff. I've used them for two months, on servers and never had any issues.
Wow you Like to Argue and Complain, Skinny wasn't correct about how many Schubi released, but he is accurate about the Script Stopping. You do realize Servers Always Run and the problem is when the script is stopped on Client Side Single Player and the Extended Placeables / Horse Helper / Place Anywhere complaint, Wow.. you can disable 2 (so forced!) and PlaceAnywhere is included in GC now.. so disable the standalone to not Conflict or suffer the possible conflict problems..
Farmer Schubi has made some great mods . GC has some great mods to. takes a while to get mods working perfectly. as for GC extras in the GC mod such as Extended placeables,horse helper, more trees and place anywhere was a great thing. less downloading mods time, less mod zips in mod folder(everything is bundled into one mod) .was implemented for people who wanted to use them can turn them on or those who dont can turn them off @FARMSIMGOD are you that lazy you cant slide that mouse around and cl
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