Welcome to Eastern! This is a map with mapped terrain 1 to 1 from Central Europe.
The map has an amazing and unique atmosphere of small and medium-sized farms with the possibility of expansion.
The map is 4x larger than the basic maps we know from FS19.
The map includes:
- Full compatibility with SEASONS mod
- Full compatibility with MAIZE PLUS
- Multiterrain (360)
- Precision Farming support
- 11 playable farms (Multiplayer ready)
- 329 fields (including meadows)
- New crops: clover, alfalfa, rye, triticale, cabbage, carrots, seed grass, grain grass, pasture grass)
- Animated doors and lamps
- New sounds on the map
- New textures: crops, fields and land
- Modified traffic
- Gas stations at local farmers
- Biogas plant
- Sawmill
- Two grain sellpoint
- Purchase of beets, potatoes, carrots and cabbage
- Purchase of straw, eggs, milk
- Free water and lime point
- Machines to start
- large and small forests
I hope you enjoy the map and like it! ;)

1 Downloads in
3 years ago

Nice big map,
Long fields that can easily ben joined together.
The starting farms are a bit random.
All your starting equipment is scattered around different sheds.
I bought cows and they don't show up
B.O.B. Flyover - Eastern Map - Farming Simulator 19 - https://youtu.be/MtApMLUkVzs
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