This mod extends (engine-based) vehicles with differential locks and drive modes (four-wheel-drive, rear/front wheel drive). In addition, the HUD will be upgraded with some more detailed damage report, fuel tank level, fuel consumption, engine speed and temperature, and a weight/total weight display.
keyboard mapping (can't be changed in-game yet)
KeyPad 7 - enable/disable front axle differential lock
KeyPad 8 - enable/disable back axle differential lock
KeyPad 9 - switch wheel drive mode between 4WD (four wheel drive) or 2WD (two wheel drive)
More information here:

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

Hey thomas! Love your mods, you're primarily the reason I'm on this site. A question, though. Any plans to make this entirely english friendly?
Can you please add a forward and reverse for people that have shifters. the old drive control was great for that and i miss that function. now i feel as if im gonna push my brake pedal thru the floor to go in rev lol. thanks
UN4RATTLER prenez le keyboardsteer de mogli pour cela
Thomas isn't a real person. At least, they won't reply. They're just an uploader.
checked it out txt need to be a way to inlarge other than that i cant tell any diffrence in what it really does
Thomas is real. FYI anyone can be Thomas you can to. Do it...........Doooo eeet.
Will the real Thomas pleas stand up!
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