LS19 Farmall IH 6 series
Here’s a pack of old Farmall and IH tractors:
– 806
– 1206
– 1026 hydro
– 1256
– 1456
Many options and animations
Recommended to have Simple IC and RMT and the IH 2350 front loader (you can get them from my old IH pack also published on this wesite).
- 1 Downloads in
3 years ago
this mod is totally incorrect the ih 1026 never was painted like that the 1206 was and the ih 1206 was never gold so juts some confusion it would be a great mod but that is why I'm not downloading.
Who the fuck cares if its "incorrect"?? It's a good looking mod of old iron. Fucking hell. This is why the community doesn't deserve fuckall. Fuck this community. You beg for mods, get one or two, and then proceed to bitch, complain, and all around piss on, the hard work of the people who made these FREE FUCKING MODS for you little pissants. Calling ALL modders!! FUCK THIS COMMUNITY!! STOP RELEASING SHIT FOR THESE UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS!!
i could be mistaking but i think its a option
i trust your option i will download
rror: Invalid 3-vector '-26 0'
2021-02-20 17:56 Warning (script): Entity 'left' has invalid type in method 'getHasShaderParameter'.
2021-02-20 17:56 LUA call stack:
2021-02-20 17:56 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Wheels.lua (499) : getHasShaderParameter
2021-02-20 17:56 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Wheels.lua (523) : loadWheelPart
2021-02-20 17:56 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/TipOccluder.lua (106) : superFunc
2021-02-20 17:56 data
Gold paint was an option for a few years in the 1970s on select models, so Jack is full of shit, and even if it wasn't a real life option who cares? These are great to have in game now!
yes it was demonstrator they are quite rare from what i understand
@@pattonm47 thanks I appreciate that
I got the lua error as well , but besides that the tractor looked and sounded great !
100/100 best farmall mod ever
got so much lag on the camera either in 1st or 3rd view to point its sometimes undriveable , shame as its a great looking tractor :(
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