Welcome to Farms of Madison Country 2.0! By Vorden
Full credit goes to the original author Marc who was nice enough to allow me to release this. Version 2.0 contains full seasonal textures, multi angle terrain, traffic and more!
Real terrain x4 map set in southern Illinois.
This is a real terrain 4X FS19 map based in Madison County Illinois, a few miles north of the town of Edwardsville.
There is several individual fields to purchase but most are clumped together in tracts like they were in real life (so a lot of the fields you want you will have to buy the whole farm) There are 119 fields total, all with missions. There are 7 main farms plus several smaller ones, so plenty to go around for multiplayer.
The map is vanilla crops. The terrain varies from flat to rolling prairies, hills, and creek bottoms. There is plenty of trees for people who want to do some logging including large clumps of pines and spruces hidden in some of the forested areas.
Full credit goes to the original author Marc who was nice enough to allow me to release this. Also thank you to NEFG for allowing use of their modified corn and bean textures. Thank you to OxygenDavid for helping me figure out seasonal textures.
From the original Author
" Welcome to Farms of Madison County. This is a real terrain 4X map based in Madison County Illinois a few miles north of the town of Edwardsville. The map is loosely based around the early to mid 1990s. This is the area that I grew up farming with my father and grandfather. There is about a half dozen playable farms, several smaller farms, and a couple horse farms.

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Based on only the very detailed photo provided...Very clean transition, the grade is spot on for the area of the Mid-West. Looking forward to experiencing this well thought through Mapping.
the map layout is hazard county
this map came march 2019. seasons was just added.
"guest" stole it from nextusmods!
Reminds me of where i live i like to walk on the railroad tracks to clear my mind and the railroad on here is perfect its a peaceful map
thank you thank you thank you ive been wating for this so long
B.O.B. Flyover - Farms of Madison County - Farming Simulator 19 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL37PgJNbbQ
@SAM HAMWICH The Hazard county map came out long after this map. Thus Hazard county must be a rip-off of this map. Idk though, i've never played on that childs map.
when you load in you are just frozen.
any1 want to join me on this map im a good farmer just dont have no1 to play with
NO!!!!!!!!!!! your a low life loser and that's why you don't have friends you bitch!
Marc Franke did the original Farms of Madison County and Hazzard County Georgia was based on it. If you read the description of both maps (This one and Hazzard County) you will find that both editors give all credit to him. He did a phenomenal job on the original map and both of these are great edits by permission.
Still have all the static livestock?
if you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay, i'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub the right way. if you wanna be with me, i can make your wish come true, just come and set me free baby and i'll be with you. because these chicks don't even know the name of band, but they're on me like they want to hold hands, cause once i blow, they'll know that i'll be the man, all because i'm the lead singer of my band. fUcK maRShalL
good lullaby
just started to play on this map ,the sell point at the dealer doesn't work.
fix the static animals
Fix Landscaping please Grass that grows needed
@Name : The grass is an easy fix. Do it yourself : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-Q2BbDSQQs&t=143s
You are all trash!
Thanks RicoBaB
@Name : The grass is an easy fix. Do it yourself : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-Q2BbDSQQs&t=143s Nope to difficult will wait for a update hopefully
@name : I did not expected any intelligence from you :)
had a problem on multiplayer where the main farm owns all of the animal farm and all of the silos. On the other farms they do not work even if they own the land that they are on. We tried selling them but some arent able to be sold such as the sheep farm. We tried selling the land and buying on the main farm and still unable to be sold and now the land is unable to be sold. I dont know why this is but, would be nice if fixed.
where is the buy point for livestock?
feilds arr dippy kinda suck
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