Small update 2.
Ok more minor fixes but the change to placables and farmland may require a new game starting.
Fixed the logging crane ghost's, fixed the northeast sawmill workshop trigger, fixed the floating sheep pen markers, fixed the last 3 unsellable farm objects(workshop, manure and herbicide supplies), adjusted the starting farms land to include the houses new location, cleaned up the PDA maps image in photo shop, tested the map boundary collision it is working fine and blocking me in vehicles and on foot so if you fall through a mod is the cause. None of my contract missions are showing £0 for anything left it over a weeks game time so I have no idea what is causing that right now for some users.
Small update 1.
This may require a new game starting as ground deco has been removed, sale of the farms greenhouse now removes all objects, the digester sale and purchase fixed and fixes to several floating objects.
Here's the new expanded 4x Fenton Forest. The map has a seasons snow mask, the main farm can be customized or even sold off. There's 3 additional flat empty farm lots for the user to choose if they wish. A huge natural forestry area complete with trails and plenty of fields some square some natural and most field areas can be customized further. There's plenty of sell points and also 2 remote supply points one at Fenton Mill and the other at Riverside Mill. The map comes with all of its own placeables which can be found in the store. No productions are installed and I have stuck with the fruits Giants chose so no multifruit either. The map was designed to run on high end PC's and so for it to look and play as it was intended you will need a minimum of a Nvidia 980ti graphics card with LOD set to 200% in the advanced game graphics settings.. The map will play on lower spec systems but may not look or play the same. Use the place anywhere mod or Global scripts extended placeable when using the maps or any placeable. The maps own placeables are designed for flat land only and will not deform the land or alter the foliage.
Have fun with it.
Download link to my Google Drive. Click the white down arrow icon in the top right of the drives screen to start the download:
Once the file has downloaded unzip it to get the maps zip and a small readme text file.
Here's a massive thank you to Larry, Frank and Duckzorly for helping test the map. They are also mentioned in the text file.
Donation link:

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Great map! Keep improving! Like!
Thanks for this map but i really hope this is the last time for awhile that I have to start a new save. 3 times in a week is a pain
this is bullshit//// updates every other day ??????
Stop with your digester greenhouse ground deco minor fixes etc etccccccccccccc etccccccc
Complain here all you want, but Stevie doesn't post his mods here or reads any of the comments. So,'re pissing in the wind.
@warondar golden shower much?
Stevie makes great maps,just wish they were SP....too much for 1 player
its a forest map for " tree farmers"
its for those who play "forest simulator"
not worth the download
so, a modder doesnt update a map, demands money for it, and people complain.
stevie made this awesome map completely free, not demanding any money for it and correcting all erros found in a short time, and yet people complain.
STOP COMPLAINING and be thankfull for someone givving you this piece of work completely free, while they done it on their free time for the community.
Dont like the map? dont use it, simple as that.
@name looks like you only came to complain witho
Download the map, asshole so you'll know what you're talking about. Yes, there is a large forest. But there are also 42 fields of various sizes. You just want to bitch. Go back to sucking your daddy off so you can stay busy.
go fuck a tree stump!
goooooood for you...…
have fun with your tree farm!
@Name you are a massive, complete and total CUNT, why don't you go play in the traffic and stop talking shit about a map you clearly aren't good enough to make or even play.
Where is the download file. The previous page links us here but no download link? Please advise. Thanks!
I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that.
why cant I load this map. its in my mods folder but I cant load the map
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