Fermenting Silo T800 v1.1.0.0


Farming Innovations T800 - Fermenting Silo

- Fix scaling issue with popup UI and other small bug fixes.
- Added support for extra input fill types when available.
- Input binding to open bale hatch changed to allow controller support.
- Map hotspot added.

A twin silo system capable of rapid fermentation with a digestate collector system.

- Price: 118,000 $
- Daily maintenance: 45 $

- Silage per hour: 8000 l
- Silage capacity: 800,000 l

- Digestate per hour: 450 l
- Digestate capacity: 250,000 l

- Accepted inputs:
- Chaff
- Grass
- Hay
- Alfalfa **
- Dry Alfalfa **
- Clover **
- Dry Clover **

** When available on map.

The total capacity of the silos is combined for the raw and fermented product. A total of 800000 litres combined can be held in storage only.
No extra script addons or mods are required for this mod to operate.

Fermenting times will be adjusted based on season length selected.



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Hi, I try this mod and have very nice details.

- Very easy to unload and load to your Trailer.
- Is fast fermenting, but consider this in low quantities.
- Indicators are very legibles and very useful.
- Small space used compared to vanilla silage silo.
- Free digestate byproduct, is little but is appreciated. Is fair.

- Is VERY SLOW if you count this silo for large quantities of silage, takes 4 days + 4 hours (in-game time™) total

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