Flusstal XXL English coureplay ready v2.0.0.2


All major issues fixed! Courseplay works!

only 3 tiny errors, 2 sound files need to be converted, and a shader.
This is not my map, please give credit to creator
fixed all sell points
all sell points are now in English
1 new sell point Costco
if any issues please post here to modhub in the comments below will do my best to fix any issues
This is version 1 of the western version, I am adding all western modern sell points and building, including the cities and towns, and adding many more sell points.
if anyone can convert the sound files and shader issues please feel free to, I will update.
The map

All 3 farm start locations are level smoothed edges and EMPTY......
35 fields of all sizes
Approximately 10 woods
11 sales stations
3 courtyards
3 cities
Launch vehicles are also available on medium difficulty.
If you find any mistakes, then please do not insult me ​​in the comments, but write me a Pn with screenshot then I can take care of it.
Ole Ole
If the map is offered on other sites for download, please use the original link!
Donations via PayPal: ole.lennart.hohberg@googlemail.com

Field 1 (field01) : 19.965 ha - 49.334 ac
Field 2 (field02) : 9.489 ha
Field 3 (field03) : 30.373 ha
Field 4 (field04) : 4.294 ha
Field 5 (field05) : 1.836 ha
Field 6 (field06) : 7.816 ha
Field 7 (field07) : 121.937 ha
Field 8 (field08) : 21.263 ha
Field 9 (field09) : 17.673 ha
Field 10 (field10) : 9.606 ha
Field 11 (field11) : 9.114 ha
Field 12 (field12) : 7.657 ha
Field 13 (field13) : 7.633 ha
Field 14 (field14) : 10.485 ha
Field 15 (field15) : 16.381 ha
Field 16 (field16) : 16.366 ha
Field 17 (field17) : 22.028 ha
Field 18 (field18) : 8.533 ha
Field 19 (field19) : 21.934 ha
Field 20 (field20) : 17.428 ha
Field 21 (field21) : 47.885 ha - 118.326
Field 22 (field22) : 8.680 ha
Field 23 (field23) : 2.335 ha
Field 24 (field24) : 28.093 ha
Field 25 (field25) : 32.293 ha
Field 26 (field26) : 6.610 ha
Field 27 (field27) : 9.429 ha
Field 28 (field28) : 30.370 ha
Field 29 (field29) : 37.936 ha
Field 30 (field30) : 8.359 ha
Field 31 (field31) : 5.365 ha
Field 32 (field32) : 11.878 ha
Field 33 (field33) : 13.735 ha
Field 34 (field34) : 8.537 ha
Field 35 (field35) : 10.715 ha
Field 36 (field36) : 6.990 ha


edited by Parzival, credit to creator.....Donations via PayPal: ole.lennart.hohberg@googlemail.com


Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

none of the current videos listed are of this current map..
the videos are of a different version and not this version.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

courseplay version 6.1 still crashes the game

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

it crashes mine to the courseplay not right on no game that I have played and I got a real good pc but there trying to get it to work maybe one day they will get it .

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

No longer 11 Sell Points.
No longer sell point for Milk/Eggs.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

courseplay as of 38 hours ago and current does not crash the game. I have 7 fields and counting already mapped for harvest, delivery to farm and also plow, and seed.

there is an additional sell point costco
there is the original 2 milk sale point, and one egg sell point, currently working on a more balanced sell points for the 3 farm location, as well as 2 bio gas plants maybe 3.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

for courseplay, no it does not run perfect, cant run harvester with its own wheels, it has issue activating multiple implements. also pay close attention to the map created by courseplay, if you mess with the setting after you create the map, it will cause major issues, also rounded corner seems best, when it messes up, make sure you go to the correct next waypoint, then continue from current. buggy yes, crash no, not once yet, and about 15 hours play.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

when your AI doing doughnuts, your turn radius and/or speed are to high, if your missing waypoints, same with offset, i noticed courseplay is cutting it short, make sure to keep your width exact to your machine, and increase offsets and turn radius and then run the map again,

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Wow! This is a huge map. I just wish the shop was more centrally located and there were a few more roads (wide enough to get a combine with large header down them), because it's very difficult to move equipment around this map. Otherwise it's pretty amazing. :)

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Loaded up the map onto my dedicated server and we are only seeing 3 sell points total out of the listed 11 sell points.

As well we are not seeing any sell point location for Milk/Eggs on the map.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Dark41 working on that now, as for headers , there is no place in the world one can drive a combine with a header that large, that is why they have trailers...
Kretn, did it give any errors? can you list them please.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Kretn if no errors can you list the sell points you do see, and ill see what i can do. thanks for the info

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Looking for all the animal husbandry in new, modern and large pens, with no errors or shader issues,
Does anyone know any mods for these that have NO ERROR on a dedicated server? many seems to be doing first versions only and/or not making fully error free mods.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I figured out what my issue was.
I was using the very original version of the map, and overlaying this map version (as i thought it was an update to the base map) it caused an item overlay issue.
Im able to get the sale points that where added but not all translated over, and without starting a new game or removing all of my peaceable objects I Cannot get the all of the sell points to show. So I simply built a few sell point locations.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

you must start a new game, as the posts says, it has been changed, you can not combine parts of the zip files, when land has been changed you must start a new map.
I did find an error in the main file structure, and correcting it, this should fix the multiplayer issues with sell point and have added many more, need a day or 2.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

there is 2 new roads also on this current map, 1 should be easy to find the other not sure if anyone will find it.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

next version in a couple days, all current sell spots updated(dedi issues with sell spots should be corrected), plus more sell points to a total of 26 sell spots, incl 2 bio gas, and 2 animal dealers. shop moved to central city, central city getting the first make over with modern american buildings, all new sell points are new modern sell points, and have changed a couple of the others. once done the entire map will be modern american theme,

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Greetings, this map works pretty good with Courseplay, but so far I'm unable to get Courseplay to recognize the tip triggers at BNSF (Raffeisen) and Backworks (Back Werke) in combi mode. The tip trigger at Costco does work. Funnily enough, in my last save before the map update, I did have a successful combi run at Raffeisen. In all instances it was a contract mission.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

courseplay ready, B.S. Click bait

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I'm having an issue with field 34. I just harvested cotton for a mission but when I turned in the bales it said only 80% turned in and the mission screen shows 98% completed. I've harvested the entire field, so I'm not sure how to get the extra 2%. As for the 20% still needing to be turned in, I'm not sure where it's located. I've gone into wireframe mode to verify that there wasn't a bale hidden in nearby trees. Not seeing an extra bale anywhere.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

FRENZIED_COW thanks for the info, I have updated all the old sell points with new triggers, the same as costco (the 1 new sell point in this version).

Andy thanks for the info ill check the missions file to make sure it is correct, sounds like that one mission limit is set to high,

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

By the way just wanted to say thanks for making the electricity towers non-collision.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

for those wanting to keep the same farm and amounts established by your farm, in your savegame file , "items and vehicles", copy each item you want to transfer from one savegame file to the next, you must start a new game save first, then exit game, edit file and then start the newly created savegame with the edits.

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