Right here we go again.
FS19 Fenton Forest Test map 2.
First up many thanks to all of you who helped out last week. The input was precise and makes it quicker and easier to test, change and fix.
NOTE do not use any old save or parts of xml from test map one with test map 2 at all. It requires a brand new game save. I haven't touched any server side issues as I need server error logs sending in first.
Unzip the downloaded file and place the map into your mods folder.
The map is not ready for the start from scratch option yet.
Ok for those wishing to join in testing again this week here's the test map 2 with 100's of changes and adjustments over test map 1. 90 percent of all reported issues have now been addressed and more.
Chicken egg boxes will spawn in time but they are higher capacity so don't think they aren't working.
Bales 2 bale stacks at the shed can now be used. All the rest are for decoration.
All triggers have been setup up now and are fully active.
Check the PDA for what sell points take as they don't all take everything.
Setting helpers to buy from an animal zone will show an Ui error but so does my main default game and with animal zones.
To clear the owned fields soil composition run a full cycle on them, Harvest to plough to seed first.
Water can also be delivered to the animal suppliers.
Please comment issue's here on the Facebook page as usual. Expect to still find small issues but the map is now getting very close to been ready.
Donation link: paypal.me/StevieFSMods

3 Downloads in
6 years ago

Nice map Stevie
nice map stevie toujour du super travail comme toujours bravo
I was enjoying your map and I also notice some errors. Knew if I wait a while, you would have a updated fix. Looking forward to try out the updated map.
quelques petites erreur persistante cette carte est merveilleuse
très belle réalisation comme j'aimerais pouvoir faire
bravo et bonne continuation sincères amitiés
Thanks for this stevie
Hey Stevie. This map feels lonely. a Farm needs to be surrounded by fields, NOT in a corner lol. The buildings on farm is also situated somewhat out of order. Build a map like your Pine Cove in fs17 then you got my vote for sure.
Nice map, Thanks Stevie
I'm waiting for the last version this modder need 40 versions to be playable like in FS17
Beautiful map, for me it's the map of the moment on FS19!
Congratulations and thank you.
Very nice map. Thanks Stevie!
bonjour voila déjà depuis le 28 de ce mois je joue sur cette merveilleuse carte qui est très bien agencer tout comme j'aime une petite chose m'intrigue pourquoi cet espace chargement et déchargement je voulais placer mes silos de graine et engrais mais impossible
cela est bien dommage place perdu sinon rien d'anormal trouver dans le jeux tout fonctionne normalement bien amicalement et encore merci de ce beau travail
карта прикольная но есть ошибки например краны на жд дороге
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