Place the downloaded zip straight into your mods folder, load and play. I offer no support for any external mods used with this map other than my own.
The aim was to create a laid back easy to just play and relax hassle free map. The map at first glance is just this with square fields, easy missions nice fictional US country to have fun and play the game in. However I created the map with painted roads and lanes and just one small traffic spline in the northern small town of Lakeland Vale. This allows the user a huge scope of map customisation using the simple in game terrain tools allowing the users to basically recreate this however they wish. Most of the farm can be removed apart from the animals and house.
The map features one farm with vehicle reset point, sleep trigger, all in game animals in custom pens complete with the Animal Pen Extension APE. The APE mod file is not included and must be downloaded separately from its source. The farm has a large capacity silo, silage clamp, manure store, workshop, diesel supply, vehicle sheds, barn sales, wool sales and farm supply point. You have 5 owned fields 4 planted ready for harvest and 1 grass. The map is seasons ready with snow mask and custom textures. AI friendly with large grass areas at field ends and the BGA has 6 clamps, sunken tip points and fast processing. The map features compost but will require a relevant global company composting plant mod like the one I released and the addition of the Global Company mod script not supplied and must be download from source. The map has a smaller forestry area and several good sized placeable areas. Diesel can be sold at both gas stations, water can be sold at the animal suppliers. Eggs can be sold at the dairy and supermarket. Water can be filled for free from the farms wind pump, horses water trough and dairy water tower.
I have not built in any Global Script productions as you can get placeables and I decided against extra fruit.
Here's a huge big thank you to Frank, Larry and Duckzorly for help testing the map.
Have fun with the map and thank for the support, regards Stevie.
Donation link:

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

une merde
ta pas honte de mettre le paypal pour ca et ca veut meme pas 1 euro
Wow, Incredible work!
Yo seguiré diciendo que me gustan tus trabajos, ya lo descargue y veré que tal esta, y de costumbre como todo lo que haces, estará muy bien, gracias.
Vesion 1 of 12..
Vesion 1.50.1 of lol Just came out and its already version 1.50.1 hahah ..
nice 1 stevie
no point even starting this map as he will update and will require a restart like 4 times on his last map!!
B.O.B. Lookaround - Lakeland Vale by Stevie - Farming Simulator 19 -
great map, I was hooked on another one but love this
Very good map again!. All your work is spot on awesome! Thanks for another great map with lots to do on it. I will enjoy this for many months ahead.
So don't download it if you don't want it!! Are you to that fricking ignorant. Oh, don't answer that. We all know you are.
Nice one stevie ......fuck the haters :)
thanks stevie another great map .......ignore the moaning cunts on here !!
et les gamins retourner en maternel c'est un jeux de simulation et donc merci au modeur mapeur et autre qui font avancer le jeux point bas ci sa ne vous plais pas vous nette pas obliger d’être grossier et déplaisent vous tester et ci sa ne vous plais pas et bien vous laisser, et le mieux est encore de lire ce que écrit l'auteur de la map et les mise a jour il y en a pour tout et tout le temps bien cordialement .(merci Stevie je vais pouvoir moccuper a changer des paisage a plus et bon courage po
et les gamins retourner en maternel c'est un jeux de simulation et donc merci au modeur mapeur et autre qui font avancer le jeux point bas ci sa ne vous plais pas vous nette pas obliger d’être grossier et déplaisent vous tester et ci sa ne vous plais pas et bien vous laisser, et le mieux est encore de lire ce que écrit l'auteur de la map et les mise a jour il y en a pour tout et tout le temps bien cordialement .(merci Stevie je vais pouvoir m'occuper a changer des paysage a plus et bon courage p
suce ma bite
French FS community still full of entitled stupid little kids.
works good, no errors
@ BIGTONYTOMATO i gonna waiting for the version 1.9999999999.9999999
Imagine playing FS19 and calling yourself a "Farmer" yikes.
Merci pour le travail accomplie Stevie .. bon courage pour la suite
now watch me nae nae
Great map with lots of detail. Nice job bud. To those worried about updates, simply learn how to map and fix any issue you find. If your to lazy to do that then shut the hell up. Tired of all you ungrateful little shits. You all talk a good game but when it comes to fixing issues you all rely on the same people your harassing to do the job. What are you going to bitch about when modders get sick of your shit and stop building for the community. GROW UP!
great work man keep it up can you do the corn belt
people need to shut thee fuck up, seriously. acmeacres is correct. jesus, so many fucking haters.
I think I will wait until update 3000 before I download lol
I don't care what anyone says I love love love it Stevie Another great mod in m y F19 by you Please don't stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But on second thought, I'll download it anyway lol
Its called trolling you dumbfuck. Don't like it then quit reading the comments you dumbfuck
2020-01-25 15:40 Warning: Tried reverting to input context [] which is not defined.
2020-01-25 15:40 Warning: Tried reverting to input context [] which is not defined.
you are the dumbfuck here, douchebag. maybe you should quit reading the comments section since you don't like his comment. ha got em!
So i was right of course. out less than a week and we are on update 3 because this fucking guy doesnt test his maps. hes fuckin silly
@BigTony - What did you expect from him honestly? Stevie has been releasing maps since i can remember as far back as FS17 when it was fresh - and it's the same M.O. release map, generate HYPE, then wait for it comes - update, after update, after update. this and that fails. I have him added on FB and heard about this Map for the past 6 mos, post, after post, after post, and yet this map still isn't finished? WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE EXPECT FROM MR ENTITLED WHO TESTS HIS OWN STUFF (Hello) I d
don't download None of his mods, just because he's the 'only tester' of his products. it is Hilarious that here we are in 2020 and this guy hasn't evolved past FS17. its the same sh*t year after year. but yet this clown has financial supporters, and he lets his FB community know who donates money to him, a big tent 3 ring circus when brother love comes to town with mr money bags..its enough to make you puke all over screen.
where are your ""better than everyone else"" mods then? you sure got a big ego, and talk a big game, when really you don't have anything to bring to the table. pathetic.
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