FS2019 - Top 10 Feature Requests


Welcome to the top 10 feature requests for Farming Simulator 19 Some of the suggested features surprised me but all would be great to see in the upcoming version of Farming Simulator. Please note this is UNOFFICIAL and is only taking into account requests from players who commented on my community page.

DE (tranlate):
Willkommen zu den Top 10 Feature-Anfragen für Farming Simulator 19 Einige der vorgeschlagenen Funktionen haben mich überrascht, aber alle wären toll in der kommenden Version von Farming Simulator zu sehen. Bitte beachte, dass dies inoffiziell ist und nur Anfragen von Spielern berücksichtigt, die auf meiner Community-Seite kommentiert haben.

FR (translate):
Bienvenue dans le top 10 des demandes de fonctionnalités pour Farming Simulator 19 Certaines des fonctionnalités suggérées m'ont surpris mais tout serait génial à voir dans la prochaine version de Farming Simulator. S'il vous plaît noter que ceci est NON OFFICIEL et ne prend en compte que les demandes des joueurs qui ont commenté sur ma page de la communauté.

PL (translate):
Witaj w 10 najpopularniejszych zgłoszeniach do gry Farming Simulator 19 Niektóre z sugerowanych funkcji mnie zaskoczyły, ale wszystko, co warto zobaczyć w nadchodzącej wersji Farming Simulatora. Pamiętaj, że jest to NIEOFICJALNE i uwzględnia wyłącznie prośby graczy, którzy skomentowali moją stronę społeczności.




Commented on 2018-02-13 21:11:55

Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first

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Commented on 2018-02-17 04:13:16

I'd like to see other farmers working their fields as an option, the same as pedestrians in towns and cars on the roads, vehicles and equipment could be chosen the same as for doing jobs/missions for other farmers but have them start from another point on the map and travel to their field, do the work and travel back.

(Get your heads out of the gutters, "Cocky" is australian slang for a farmer)

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Commented on 2018-02-17 13:57:56

why are the languages only English , Deutsh , Frans and polish.
there are more country's that play Farming simulator DUTCH are a small country but with many players and not everybody can read other languages

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Commented on 2018-02-26 18:32:53

I dont care what new things they come up with I just want the option to turn them off if I chose to do so. Example If I want to cut across a field i can. I f they make it that it would cause damage I want the ability to turn it off. This is a game let people play it the game the way they want to. It is their money. You play the game the way you want to and I play the game the way I want to.

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Commented on 2018-02-28 00:25:11

Wünschenswert das Mod und Savedateien unter dem Spiel oder der Spieleinsterlation sind und nicht mehr unter Windows.


Installation: D:\ Farming Simulator 19 \

Savegame: D: \ Farming Simulator 19 \ Savegame \ Game 01

Mods: D:\ Farming Simulator 19 \ Mods

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Commented on 2018-03-02 15:08:56

i hope they make the mud more relistic when it rain it get more muddy

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Its just a game who cares whats in it

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Commented on 2018-05-20 04:43:01

I've seen several times on modhub, " this is for all you mappers out there, the ones who love to make your own maps!" Are they even going to make any blank maps for "all of us mappers out here who love to make our own maps"? I doubt it, that's for sure and if they do, it'll be about a few weeks before the end of the 2019 version.. I think it's pretty sorry of them to say this! From the looks of it, I'll keep playing Farming simulator 2015 and sometime FS 2017.

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