(EN) Hi. Here is the requested Georgia State Flag.
Multiplayer support added.
You will find this under placeables in Decoration after you have added this to your mod folder. If you are wanting your country flag added, Please leave comment below.
Enjoy, Cheers, Cazz64
Price: $50
Daily upkeep: $1
Brand: Lizard
Category: Decoration under Palceables
Authors: Cazz64, Giants
Hallo. Hier ist die geforderte Georgia State Flagge.
Unterstützung für mehrere Spieler hinzugefügt.
Sie finden dieses unter Dekoration in Decoration, nachdem Sie es Ihrem Mod-Ordner hinzugefügt haben. Wenn Sie Ihre Landesflagge hinzufügen möchten, hinterlassen Sie bitte einen Kommentar.
Viel Spaß, Cheers, Cazz64
Preis: 50 $
Täglicher Unterhalt: 1 USD
Marke: Eidechse
Kategorie: Dekoration unter Paletten
Autoren: Cazz64, Giants
Is it possible for a Pennsylvania state flag?
"REDNECKGAMER4020" I have just uploaded it. Enjoy
Thanks! It's not the actual one, but I'm not going to complain. Appreciate it greatly!
Just in case you're curious which is the present-day flag of the State of Georgia, here's a link:
"DRAKOMIS" I am sorry for that. I check online before making the flad. I will do a update within a day or so. Did'nt mean to offend anyone. Cheers
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