Grass Dryer with Global Company v1.0.3


In grass drying hay can be produced.

Version 1.0.3
- editing textures paths
- add a French translation (my thanks for this work goes to Xandoria)

Price: 55,000 €
Capacity: 500,000 liters
Production / hour: 2,000 liters
Required resources: grass
Product: hay
Information: Mod only playable in conjunction with GlobalCompany!
Global Company Mod - LsModcompany / kevink98 - GtX - Eribus
Model - Giants Software
Conversion - Der_Mali




Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Would be nice if you had used a different name for the zip file and some of the files inside, this already conflicts with several other Grass Drying/Hay Making Production Mods that have come out in recent months due to using same file names/descriptions.

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