Hitachi ZW-310 Wheel Loader v1.0


FS Miner's Creations!

New Entry for FS 19 ,Hitachi ZW-310 Wheel Loader!!!
The loader is very good stage have all the basic functions and attachable bucket with 10.000l Capacity.
The loader did not have interior and custom maps ....
-Tension Belt Support
-2 Designs for the bucket.

Feel free to share at your sites but keep the original link ;)

Model donated by @Josiko Vivelavida
I use a led beacon from Baustellenpack.

If you like get it if you don't who cares ....

You are free to improve that mod , (there is no improve to make it colorable , or make 100k bucket)
Just leave to get some download for some days first...

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FS Miner

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Commented on 2021-03-21 03:02:11

I can `t believe my eyes. It's great. Thank.

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Commented on 2021-03-21 04:44:33

Don't consider me a bore, could you give it its natural vibrant color.

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