Full of detail 1: 1 replica of the village of wood in the Tegernsee valley.
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Welcome to the Holzer Map!
This is a true to detail reproduction including height model from Google Earth from the village wood in the beautiful Tegernsee valley in the district Miesbach in Upper Bavaria.
Started with the construction of the map was in December 2016 with a first release for the LS17. Meanwhile, the LS19 appeared and after completion of the conversion work, I can now present the Holzer Map for the LS19.
The village of Holz is bordered on the east by the shores of Lake Tegernsee and in the west by the foothills of the Holzer Alm. The intervening areas in wood are divided into a total of 7 farms in the village. In addition, extensive forestry can be operated in the numerous forest areas.
Each farm can be managed independently. With the land trade it is also possible to buy needed goods such as seeds, fertilizer, lime, etc.
The following features are included in the map:
Combination of classic LS style with permanently installed courtyards as well as new mode using placeable objects and terraforming.
Increase the maximum possible number of animal enclosures from 10 to 32.
Adaptation of the general animal data to (as far as possible and known) realistic values:
Buying and selling prices
Consumption of water and straw
Production of milk, manure and manure
4. Change in feeding options in cows:
Shifting the feed type "Hay" to the feed type "Grass".
Supplement to another feed component "cereals".
5. Higher number of angles for the soil textures.
6. Improved in-game lighting using xml settings from BulletBill.
7. Alternative map version with more arable farming.
8. Many other little things, all of which are listed in the map handbook.
Since on the map many forest areas and thus many trees are available, I also recommend the following mod in the modfolder to take:
More Trees: https://ls-modcompany.com/filebase/file/360-moretrees-mehr-b%C3%A4ume/
Since the courts were all designed differently, the position of the built-trigger is of course also at each farm a different one. So that you can still orientate yourself at the start of the game and find everything necessary, I have also created a manual for the map. Here are all the triggers of the yards and outlets with pictures described and listed. Thus, a finding of triggers, Abkippstellen, etc. so should be possible without problems.
The downloaded ZIP file must be unpacked by you!
It contains the following content:
the map (HolzerMapLS19.zip)
the manual (Manual Holzer Map LS19.pdf)
alternative mapversion with more farming (mapDE.i3d and mapDE.i3d.shapes)
Now I wish you a lot of fun exploring and playing the Holzer Map!

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Picture of PDA?
DYMA123 isn't the author, has no fucking idea what the PDA
One of the best maps I've seen. I be playing this one for a while. Thanks map maker, and the dyno bot
I write the truth about Eagle355th.he is a public deception. he stolen mods, Eagle355th is ordinary liar and thief...He steals mods and releases editions mods without the permission of the original authors. People like you are destroying modding. Shame!!!
Thief does not compute! Please check yourself and try again!
Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
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