Willkomen in Thüringen,
Hier nun meine Neue karte für den LS19. Dieses mal ist es eine 4fach map. Die Anhand von Google maps und Höhenmodel erstellt wurde. Die landschaft spiegelt also eine reales Gebiet wieder.
Kurz und knapp:
- Hohenmodel, Felder, Wald und Straßen anhand von google earth erstellt
- 121 Kaufbare Parzellen
#60felder von klein bis groß
#5 Höfe 4mit BGA
#16 Wiesen
-Drei Kleine Dörfer
-KI verkehr (Nimmt ihn bloß nicht die vorfahrt )
-2 ankauf stellen für Dünger,saatgut,Kalk
-3 seen für wasser entnahme
-Höfe haben schon hallen und silos.
Viel spaß beim Spielen.
que pasada de mapa
fix the version im not able 2 play it
the pictures look rly good
echt scheise ene map die 3 stunden lät und nicht startet
Why did you host it on uploaded
Hours for DL and not working :/ :(
More pictures and a video would be great ;)
2019-02-17 20:01 Error: i3d 'D:/mody19/FS19_Irgendwo_in_Thueringen_2/maps/map.i3d' could not be found.
2019-02-17 20:01 Error: failed to load map D:/mody19/FS19_Irgendwo_in_Thueringen_2/maps/map.i3d
2019-02-17 20:01 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
these are only the first three errors, and there are a lot of them, you can not play
That's all because You've downloaded it from the wrong site. Kastor has made it so that it doesn't work when loaded from other than this site: https://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=216&t=7715
original Link >>>> http://ul.to/pjur1bxc <<<< from d-s-agrarservice.de
That download site stinks - why would you be using something like that? Seriously if you wanted to make money off your mod we'd be happy to buy it from one of the reputable sites, but using a system like that, it's just underhanded and untrustworthy. Makes me wonder if I want to trust your mod to be safe.
Two hours downloading... So what? I was doing some other things while waiting. Everything works, and the map is just awesome! One of the greatest I have ever seen in this Farming Arcade game. Thanks!
Uploaded.net sucks. 90 percent of the time download don't finish and have to start all over again after waiting for a day then it don't download again. Pick other host site. map sucks because of fucked up host site.
Nice map.... But way too big
idk why the map isnt launching
map erronée , manque i3d de la map !!
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