Kolob Truck Is A Huge Powerful 8 Wheeler Truck.
And A Low Loader Trailer To Transport Any Vehicle And It Has Tension Belts To Transport Any Kind Of Pallets.
PS. The Trailer Could Be Unfold To easily Load Pallets Using Forklifts.
MaxSpeed: 83 km/h
Kolob LowLoader
*Can Be Found In LowLoaders Section*
bonjour joli mod dommage probleme pour le telecharger
quel est le problme
may you bring the Scout from snow runner into FS19 pls
I really liked the mod, it works very well, what happens to me is that I have the real terrain mod and when there is mud and you carry a lot of weight, it stays ... it would lack a little more power ajajja
really good pack thanks
Very good mod, thanks a lot !
a truck this size should be able to pull any trailer with heavy implements, and the cables animation for the trailer, why not just make the trailer with reflectors and warning signs instead of light if there is no cable attachments, and one more thing every thing on this trtuck should be animated. cant this be done?
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