LGSEEDSb LG 31.276 by Grousbauer


Hello Community!
I would like to offer you today the seed pallets of the company LG Seeds.
Original come the pallets of Giants, I just adapted the texture.
A release of the company name is available, as I have agreed to the release with LG Seeds.

What was done?
- Texture for corn seed pulled on the sacks

Since it is the original seed pallets of Giants, but you can remove any kind of seed.
So the texture is purely visual.

What's in V1.1?
- Own shop category

Log is clean.
Newest patch needed!


giants model für ls19
grusbauer textur für lg mais textur

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I used the LG site so much in college for forage information

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