We TFSGROUP offer you this excavator.
I like his aggressiveness. These why I re skinned.
I offer it to you today via the TFSGROUP
whom I thank here for their confidence.
Nous TFSGROUP vous proposons cette excavatrice.
J'aime son agressivité. Ces pourquoi je l'ai re skinner.
Je vous la propose aujourd'hui via le TFSGROUP
que je remercie ici, pour leurs confience.
At least you said you RE-SKINNED it. Good move.
Mais nous n'avons jamais prétendu être les créateurs des mods que nous offrons..!
Nous essayons juste de partager des mods que nous glanons ici et la, nous modifions leurs apparences uniquement !
why are you using my logo and profile in your credits? I am not associated with you people in any way. If anything, I am totally opposite from you guys.
Ah ... You no longer wish to post mods via TFSGROUP now? Why turn around decision! I understood that you wanted to be able to offer mods that we did not find, par la bié du TFSGROUP, we are surprised. Very well, we will post for you the mods you have offered us. Thank you !
Thank you @Teenage French Snowflake
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