Lizard Floodlight Trailer v2.0


- Added Back Hitch, so now you can tow more than one at a time
- Hight of Arm now adjustable, you can lower or raise it however you like

V1.1 Hotfix
- Fix Front Support
(Can Now Be Towed With Pickup More Easier.
- Fix Sounds (Hydraulics)
- Added Fire Extinguisher

Mod Made By Giants In Fs17. Was Edit By Deltabravo Productions In Fs17 To Have A Better Light Output. Converted By Deltabravo Productions For Fs19
I've Added A Beacon For Fs19
All Error Free


Original mod: Giants
Edit for FS17: DeltaBravo Productions
Converted for FS19: DeltaBravo Productions


Commented on 2019-01-14 04:22:02

im not sure if your the same person but you were sposed to make it not so bright its to bright ill try it again and see if its still to bright

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Commented on 2019-01-16 11:17:41

thank u so much the hight wasn't really a problem but not being able to move more than one without a trailer was a huge hassle so happy now no more worry about them falling off or loading them on to trailers

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Glad i could help @TheJohnDoeFArmer,

@Plasmaraven, yes i am the same person, working on a low output version as we speak, but busy with real life events also, should be out soon

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Uploader has chosen to use sharemods, please be advised sharemods is a known trojan website. Thanks

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Trojan website???? What the hell you talking about lol @Drakomis. Of course if you download stuff you don't know you might get something lol. But that's not Sharemods fault... Ive always download from sharemods and NEVER got a virus, thats cause, of course, I scan what I download.

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